Education in Southern Africa
UNESCO has been working with its Member States as well as in collaboration with other United Nations system agencies and other development partners to address education which is central to all its programmes and activities.
Education is one of UNESCO’s principal fields of activities. Since its creation in 1945, the Organization has worked to improve education worldwide believing it to be key to social and economic development.
The Organization aims to help build a sustainable world with just societies that value knowledge, promote peace, celebrate diversity and defend human rights, achieved by providing Education for All (EFA).
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21 Aug 2014 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS, PAPERS AND REGISTRATION FOR THE 32ND EEASA CONFERENCE, ON 9-12 SEPTEMBER 2014, AT UNAM MAIN CAMPUS The 32nd conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) is scheduled to take place at University of Namibia (UNAM) from the 9th to the 12th September 2014. The EEASA conference is a very important annual event in the field of Environmental Education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Southern Africa. It has over the years proved to be a very useful forum for EE/ESD practitioners from diverse backgrounds in Southern Africa and outside the continent to share ideas, reflect on their practices and improve EE/ESD in the region. The conference organization is coordinated by the University of Namibia (UNAM) as lead and host institution, the Namibia Environmental Education Network (NEEN); the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET); the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture (MYNSSC); the Ministry of Education (MoE) and UNESCO.
The theme of this year’s conference is: “Reflections on the current and emerging ESD issues and practices informing the post DESD framework programme’’.
Environmentalists, educationists, researchers, and interested individuals are invited to attend the conference on the above mentioned dates.
The registration fees include EEASA membership, standard accommodation, welcome reception, conference materials, airport transfers, local transport, tea/coffee, lunch, theme and conference dinner. Late registration ends on 29th August 2014. More |
22 Jul 2014 REGIONAL CELEBRATION OF THE GLOBAL ACTION WEEK Equal Right, Equal Opportunity – Khomas Region, 17th July 2014 UNESCO participated with the Ministry of Education and Regional Council in launching Global Action Week at Eldorado Secondary School in Windhoek. The theme was dedicated to Education and Disability, and the Khomas Governor, Honourable Ms L. Mcleod-Katjirua, delivered the key note address, expressing her emotions of gratitude for being able to attend such an important event and underlining the importance of Education for All, and the Government’s commitment in achieving the right to quality education for all the children of Namibia. More |
09 Apr 2014 CALL FOR CONSULTANT:Evaluation of the OSISA/UNESCO project on advancing Education For All (EFA) in the Southern Africa Region. The OSISA/UNESCO project “Advancing Education For All (EFA) in the Southern Africa Region” is based on the recommendations of the EFA Conference held in Johannesburg in February 2005, convened by the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA), World Education Initiative (WEI) and UNESCO. The conference was attended by members of the public sector as well as civil society organizations pursuing education issues.
The main objective of this assignment is to undertake the evaluation of the OSISA/UNESCO project on Advancing Education For All (EFA) in the Southern Africa Region. This evaluation was foreseen to be commissioned by UNESCO in consultation with OSISA four months following completion of the project. This evaluation will assess the overall performance of the project including the projects’ main achievements, shortcomings and gaps, as well as recommendations for a roadmap on future collaboration between OSISA and UNESCO in the field of EFA.
The consultant will be a specialist in the Education sector. The consultant will be provided with all the country activity reports from the project, as well as the contact details of the relevant project partner institutions at national level. The consultant will also be provided with the progress reports submitted by UNESCO to OSISA. The consultant will provide the findings of the project evaluation to the UNESCO Windhoek Education Team. More |
13 Sep 2013 Celebrations of the International Literacy Day in Mariental, Hardap region, Namibia On 8 September 2013, as for more than 40 years now, UNESCO celebrated literacy as the foundation of all learning on International Literacy Day around the globe. “Literacy for enlarging livelihood opportunities” served as Namibia’s national theme and of course also in Namibia this day could not possibly go unnoticed. The latter especially since the country had more than one thing to celebrate for and be proud of. More |
12 Jul 2012 Global Action Week (GAW) on Education For All (EFA) celebration in Lesotho 2012 UNESCO Office Windhoek The Global Action Week (GAW) on Education for All (EFA) Week is a major annual event commemorated in the ten districts of Lesotho since 2002, and led by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET). For this year, in line with the internationally designated theme: “Rights from the Start! Early Childhood Care and Education NOW”, the Department of Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD), together with the major stakeholders, organized the activities of the GAW which started on 13 May and ended on the 18 May 2012. More |
10 Aug 2010 2010 Global Action Week (GAW) on Education For All (EFA) UNESCO Office in Windhoek Every year, the International Global Action Week (GAW) is used by UNESCO and partners as an opportunity to galvanize support for the achievement of the six Education For All (EFA) goals. This year’s theme focused on “financing quality public education: a right for all”. More |
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