UNESCO Implementing Mauritius Strategy |
  | UNESCO at Mauritius '05 |  |
  | From Barbados'94 to Mauritius'05 |  |
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| Towards a Global Early Warning System for Tsunamis and Other Ocean-Related Hazards |
After the catastrophic impacts of the tsunami that occurred on 26 December 2004, UNESCO has been cooperating closely with the countries of the region, regional and international organizations and other partners, in working towards the setting-up of an early warning system for tsunamis in the Indian Ocean region.
Building on the existing arrangements for the Pacific and the emerging system for the Indian Ocean, at its 23rd General Assembly in June 2005, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission adopted resolutions for establishing somewhat analogous warning systems for tsunamis and other coastal hazards for the Caribbean and adjacent regions and for the northeastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas, as well as a framework for an overall global system. In August, the technical and scientific requirements were discussed at the Group’s first meeting, held in Perth (Australia). There, technical plans were assessed for such aspects as the collection and exchange of seismic data, measurements of sea level and deep-sea pressure, tsunami modeling and prediction, scenario development, warnings and alerts, technology transfer and sustainability.
The System consists of a coordinated network of national systems, whose assets will be owned and operated by the Member States hosting or otherwise taking responsibility for them.
For more information, go to the UNESCO/IOC global tsunami website (http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/), a one-stop resource for all tsunami-related information. |