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UNESCO Gender, HIV and AIDS Resources

For more gender-responsive resources also consult the EDUCATION Core Theme on this site.


The Fourth Wave: - Violence, Gender, Culture & HIV in the 21st Century - (UNESCO)
Fourth Wave.bmpUnder the banner of World AIDS Day on the 1 December, the Division for Gender Equality provides a sneak-preview of the soon to be released publication "The Fourth Wave".
Watch the video of one of the co-editors, Professor Vinh-Kim NGUYEN, during an open discussion - click here.

Gender Pack.jpgThis Resource Pack tackles gender inequality, a key underlying factor that fuels HIV epidemics. It contains three papers that aim to promote a gender-enlightened and comprehensive response to HIV and AIDS.

Addressing Gender Relations in HIV Preventive Education - (UNESCO UIL)
(UNESCO, 2002) This publication is one of the outcomes of UIE’s project on “Developing Empowering Educational Strategies and Gender-Sensitive IEC Materials for HIV Prevention” which aims at (1) working out a gender perspective on HIV preventive education, (2) reviewing existing educational strategies and IEC materials in the light of this perspective and (3) developing empowering educational strategies and gender-sensitive IEC materials.

Good Policy and Practice in HIV & AIDS and Education - (UNESCO)
Though not specifically conceived to tackle the gender dimensions of HIV and AIDS, this resource provides a review of gender related issues in education and proposes a wide range of measures to promote gender-responsive politices and practices in education, in response to the pandemic.

Passport to Equality - New Edition@ - (UNESCO)
Passport to Equality.jpgThe Passport to Equality is a pocket size document that presents, explains and reproduces the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in the form of a personal passport. New 2006 edition available in French, English, Spanish & Catalan.

Education Planning Training Modules - (UNESCO -IIEP)
UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), in partnership with the Mobile Task Team on the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education (MTT), have developed a series of training modules on Educational Planning and Management in a World with AIDS. Though not specifically designed to promote gender equality in educational planning, most of these modules (available on line) systematically integrate gender equality issues.

Brochure for Education Policy Makers: Quality Education for Girls and Women and HIV/AIDS - (UNESCO ED/PEQ)
Quality Education for Girls and Women.jpgParis, August 2005 -- This material was prepared as part of UNESCO’s contribution to the 2004 World AIDS Campaign “Girls, Women, HIV and AIDS”, aimed at enhancing capacity of the education system to deal with the impact of the HIV/AIDS on quality education, and quality education’s response to it.

Role of men and boys in promoting gender equality: Advocacy Brief - (UNESCO Bangkok)
Role of Men and Boys.jpgby Tamo Chattopadhay;
Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok. 2004, 10p.ISBN 92-9223-029-8
The policy brief addresses the rationale, challenges, and strategies used to involve men in the promotion of gender equality.

Gender & HIV/AIDS.@ - (UIE/SAfAIDS 2002)
GenderHIVAIDS.jpgA Report of the International Workshop on the Development of Empowering Educational HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategies and Gender Sensitive Materials (Nairobi Kenya, 9-13 July 2001. Based on the experiences presented in the workshop, participants identified relevant gender issues that affect prevention work and elaborated strategies to tackle them effectively, resulting in principles of empowering prevention strategies. The purpose of this publication is to analyse different HIV prevention programmes and on the basis of this develop guidelines for designing gender-sensitive materials.

HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse – Gender@ - (IIEP)
Impact on Clearinghouse.jpgA platform for sharing knowledge and information on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education. This site is designed as a tool for you to disseminate your research and learn from the research of others. If you have experience of what works and why, the Clearinghouse is an ideal forum to share your ideas.

Literacy, Gender and HIV/AIDS - Inherit me, Inherit my AIDS - Zimbabwe - 2001@ - (UNESCO/DANIDA project)

Adolescent Sexuality Reproductive Health (ARSH)-Web@ - (UNESCO Bangkok)
Adolescent Sexuality.jpgConnects stakeholders engaged in planning, developing, implementing and advocating for adolescent reproductive and sexual health (ARSH) programmes and

Literacy, Gender and HIV/AIDS - Kaba's Story - Togo - 2001 - (UNESCO/DANIDA project)

Changing Times, Changing Attitudes : Alternative Portrayals of Men and Women - 2000@ - (UNESCO/DANIDA project)

Action Kit on-line: HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: Young People in Action - (UNESCO/UNAIDS)
Action Kit Online.jpg(UNESCO - International Federation of Medical Students' Association,2001)





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