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Collective cooperation

List of UNESCO sectoral focal points for NGOs

    Education Sector:
    Ms Huong Le Thu, ED/EFA
    Email : h.le-thu@unesco.org
    Tel. : (+33) 1 45 68 13 12

    Natural Sciences Sector:
    Ms L. Hoareau, SC/BES/BS
    Email : l.hoareau@unesco.org
    Tel. : (+33) 1 45 68 38 95

    Social and Human Sciences Sector:
    Mr Germán Solinís, SHS/SRP/POL
    Email : g.solinis@unesco.org
    Tel. : (+33) 1 45 68 38 37

    Culture Sector:
    Mr Richard Lo Giudice, CLT/EO/CME
    Email : r.logiudice@unesco.org
    Tel. : (+33) 1 45 68 43 14

    Communication and information Sector:
    Mr Davide Storti, CI/INF/ICT
    Email : d.storti@unesco.org
    Tel. : (+33) 1 45 68 38 85

    Africa Department:
    Ms A.E. Santana Afonso, AFR/CPI
    Email : ae.santana@unesco.org
    Tel. : (+33) 1 45 68 04 96

    Bureau of Strategic Planning:
    Ms Marie-Ange Théobald, BSP/ADG
    Email : ma.theobald@unesco.org
    Tel. : (+33) 1 45 68 04 44

    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission:

    Email :
    Tel. :

    Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific