UNESCO's work in the Arab States region is carried out by the following Field Units:
UNESCO Regional Bureaux
Beirut Regional Bureau for Education in Arab States
Cairo Regional Bureau for Science in Arab States
UNESCO Cluster Offices
Beirut Middle East Cluster Office
(countries under this cluster office are Autonomous Palestinian Territories, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syrian Arab Republic)
Cairo Red Sea Cluster Office
(countries under this cluster office are Egypt, Sudan and Yemen)
Doha Gulf Cluster Office
(countries under this cluster office are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates)
Rabat Cluster Office
(countries under this cluster office are Algeria, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia)
National Offices
Amman Office for Jordan
Baghdad Office for Iraq
Ramallah Office for the Autonomous Palestinian Territories
The Arab States region presented here follows the specific UNESCO definition which does not forcibly reflect geography. It refers to the execution of regional activities of the Organization.