The projects or action plans submitted by the Member States under the Participation Programme must relate to the activities of the Organization, in particular to the major programmes, interdisciplinary projects, the activities on behalf of Africa, least developed countries, youth and women and the activities of the National Commissions for UNESCO.
Submitting a request
For each biennium, after the definite adoption of the programme and budget, a Circular Letter is issued and sent out by the Director General to Ministers responsible for relations with UNESCO, National Commissions and Permanent Delegations, inviting them to submit their written requests under the title of the Participation Programme. (Please view a circular Letter CL/3985 for 2012-2013).
Requests are submitted to the Director-General by the Member State, through the National Commission for UNESCO, or where there is no National Commission, through a designated government channel.
At the 36th session, the Conference decided that the limit should be set at 10 requests for Member States for the 2012-2013 biennium. The requests must be numbered in order of priority from 1 to 10. The order of priority may be changed only by an official letter from the National Commission and before the start of the evaluation process.
International Non-Governmental Organizations enjoying formal or operational relations with UNESCO, of which the list is established by the Executive Board, may submit up to 2 requests under the Participation Programme for projects with subregional, regional or interregional impact, provided that their request is supported by at least the Member State where the project will be implemented and another Member State concerned by the request. In the absence of supporting letters, none of these requests may be considered. These requests must be numbered in order of priority from 1 to 2.
The different types of assistance that can be requested under the Participation Programme are as follows: