The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and UNESCO supported the project “Mitigation of the HIV/AIDS Crisis in Asia through Education” (May 2005 – February 2008). The project aimed to reduce HIV and AIDS through education in twelve countries, complementing ongoing efforts with targeted initiatives and partnerships, working to strengthen education on HIV and AIDS through formal and non-formal channels, including schools, communication media, and advocacy.
EDUCAIDS is the umbrella under which the project was implemented.
The twelve countries included in the project were: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Jordan, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Syria, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam.
Five objectives, at both national and international levels, guided the project:
1. Consolidate knowledge on what works and develop evidence-based advocacy materials for ministries, schools and other actors in education systems
2. Strengthen national and local capacity of key actors in the education sector, including in the areas of strategic planning, curriculum development, teacher training and monitoring and evaluation
3. Expand education on HIV and AIDS through the media
4. Strengthen tools for international monitoring and response for HIV and AIDS impact on education, through a UNAIDS interagency mechanism
5. Scale-up HIV and AIDS education in schools
For more information on lessons learned from the project click here (PDF document).
Related Documents:
Final project report (PDF document)
PowerPoint presentation on key achievements (amended PDF document)
Related Trainings and Workshops:
Arab States Workshop of Capacity Building and Mobilisation of Resources for HIV and AIDS Programmes (PDF document)
(11-13 February 2008, Egypt)
Asia Regional Training Workshop on Resource Mobilization for HIV and AIDS (PDF document)
(10-14 September 2007, Thailand)
Central Asia 2-Country Workshop: Sharing Lessons, Planning Future Directions (UNESCO Bangkok website)
(5- 6 December 2006, Tashkent)
Regional Workshop: Sharing Lessons, Planning Future Directions(UNESCO Bangkok website)
(31 October – 1 November 2006, Thailand)
Related Links:
UNESCO Bangkok
OPEC Fund for International Development