UNESCO Implementing Mauritius Strategy |
  | UNESCO at Mauritius '05 |  |
  | From Barbados'94 to Mauritius'05 |  |
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| Archive - Energy Resources |
The development of alternative energy systems is a crucial issue in many small-island situations, often almost totally dependent upon a steady supply of seaborne petroleum products. In the last couple of decades, virtually every avenue that might contribute to greater self-sufficiency for island communities has been explored, including feasibility studies, demonstration projects and commercial development of a range of energy sources including hydropower, wind, ocean waves, solar and geothermal energy, municipal solid waste, biogas. In many cases, progress in alternative development has fallen short of expectations. Shortfalls between hopes and accomplishments have been attributed to many factors, including inadequate resource assessments, poorly conceived projects based on unworkable assumptions, and opposition by environmental and other groups.
The main focus for UNESCO work on renewable energy is provided by the Organization's programmes in the basic and engineering sciences, and more particularly in its involvement in the scientific underpinnings of efforts for harnessing clean energy sources. This work, which dates back to the mid-1950s, was boosted in the 1990s by the World Solar Summit process (1993-1995). As part of this process, a series of learning materials in engineering sciences was prepared in cooperation with the International Technology University, including modules on new and renewable energy.
Furthering renewable energy technologies as a tool for sustainable development has subsequently provided the focus of UNESCO's contribution to the United Nations World Solar Programme (1996-2005). Capacity building aspects include the Global Renewable Energy and Training Programme (GREET). Other component activities include support to the development of 'solar villages' and other high priority national projects on renewable energies. Examples in Barbados include the installation of solar photovoltaic systems for making ice at fishing villages, for lighting at governmental headquarters and at Harrison's Cave (the island's most popular tourist attraction), and for computer laboratories at local high schools.
And more recently, UNESCO's contribution to discussions on renewable energy during the World Summit on Sustainable Development included the organization in Johannesburg in August-September 2002 of an exhibition on renewable energies and sustainable development, as a joint initiative with the World Solar Commission and other international partners.
At the regional level, support is provided to the promotion of sustainable energy in Pacific island countries, which focuses on training and research in engineering science and technology, in particular renewable energy applications and appropriate community technology. Joint UNESCO-UNDP activities involve cooperation with a range of national bodies and regional organizations, including the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) and the University of the South Pacific (USP). Recent activities include support to a national energy policy and strategic action plan for Tokelau, feasibility study on power options for 24-hour power for Apolima Island (Samoa), technical assistance to grid-connected wind power on Niue and the increased use of renewable energies in the Cook Islands, publication of teaching and information materials on renewable energy issues, training in photovoltaic solar home systems.
In terms of NGOs which work closely with UNESCO, the International Scientific Council for Island Development (INSULA) has a strong programme on renewable energy (in Europe and the eastern Atlantic in particular), including the organization of international conferences, diffusion of conference publications and other information materials, and technical support to renewable energy projects at the field level (e.g. El Hierro in the Canary Islands). |
 | El Hierro 100% Renewable Energy |
| Promoting energy self-sufficiency on El Hierro (designated as a UNESCO biosphere reserve in 2002), through a three-pronged programme of energy saving, electricity production and transport, supported by the European Commission and a consortium of partners coordinated by the Instituto Technologico de Canarias.
http://www.insula.org/elhierro100.htm >> More
 | Global Renewable Energy Education and Training (GREET) Programme |
| Capacity-building activities include summer schools and ‘training of trainers’ sessions, designed to enhance the knowledge of managers, engineers, technicians and trainers on the use, application and management of renewable energy technologies. A ‘Renewable Energy Training Platform’ comprises an adapted training tool for diffusing renewable energy knowledge for decentralized electrification.
GREET programme >> More
 | European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) Umbrella organization of the leading European renewable energy industry and research associations active in the sectors of photovoltaic, wind, small hydropower, biomass and solar thermal. >> More info >> Go to website
 | OPET (Organisation for the Promotion of Energy Technologies)-Island The aim of the OPET initiative of the European Commission is to disseminate information on innovative energy technologies and promote the benefits deriving from them. Among the associated networks, the Europe Island OPET promotes the implementation of sustainable energy technologies in European islands, through such projects as a manual for the design and installation of solar systems for hotels in Cyprus. >> More info >> Go to website
 | Secretariat of the Pacific Community Provides links with many documents and news items on renewable energy in the Pacific >> More info >> Go to website
 | South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) Independent intergovernmental regional organization concerned with natural resources (principally non-living resources) developed in a sustainable manner and with reduction of vulnerability for the people of the Pacific. >> More info >> Go to website
 | UNESCO Basic and Engineering Sciences ‘Energy’ and ‘Engineering’ are two of the principal themes in the work programme of UNESCO’s Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences. >> More info >> Go to website
 | Virtual Campus for Renewable Energies Educational materials include technical procedures for calculating solar thermal pre-installations. >> More info >> Go to website
 | Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development Virtual forum operated by UNESCO’s Coastal Regions and Small Islands (CSI) Platform, which includes postings of experience in promoting renewable energy in small island situations, such as that on Cousin Island in the Seychelles. >> More info >> Go to website
 | Solar Photovoltaic Systems - by This UNESCO Toolkit of Learning and Teaching Materials consists of two companion volumes, published in late 2003: 'Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Technical Training Manual' and 'Solar Photovoltaic Project Development'.More |
 | Switched On: Renewable Energy Opportunities in the Tourism Industry - by UNEP (2003, 56 pp) UNEP handbook which explores how clean and renewable forms of energy can sustainably power the expanding tourism sector, providing the latest information on solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass (plant and animal matter) resources. Also demonstrates how tourism businesses powered by renewable energy can reduce environmental impacts, generate benefits for local communities and, often, lower costs.More |
 | UN Atlas of the Oceans - by The world’s oceans represent a relatively untapped resource for both hydrocarbons and renewable sources of energy (tidal, wave, thermal, salinity, wind), as described under the Atlas’s ‘Uses’ section.More |
 | Geothermal Energy: Innovation and Technology - by eds Mary H. Dickson and Mario Fanelli (2003) Description of geothermal energy and geothermal exploitation, with each contributing author addressing a specific area relating to the uses of geothermal energy, effects on communities, and economic and regulatory aspects. Due to be published in late 2003-early 2004.More |
 | Pacific Islands Energy Policy and Plan (2002) - by Coordinated by the Committee of Regional Organizations of the Pacific (CROP), represents a consensus affirmed at the 2002 Regional Energy meeting in Cook Islands via the Rarotonga Declaration.More |
 | ‘Our Planet’ Issue on Energy and the Environment - by UNEP (2002, 32 pp.) Solar, wind and other sources of renewable energy are among the subjects addressed in articles contributing to Volume 12, Number 3 (2002) of UNEP’s magazine for environmentally sustainable development.More |
 | Pacific Energy News (PEN) - by Periodic news bulletin produced by the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). The 11-page Issue No 2 (June 2003) includes updates on some current regional energy projects.More |