UNESCO is increasingly requested by its Member States to assist in post-disaster responses and in the transition toward sustainable reconstruction and peacebuilding in post-conflict and natural disaster situations (PCPD).
Click here to access the new UNESCO-CPD website.
Following on the work of the Task Team on UNESCO’s Role in Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Situations, this Platform provides a further catalyst for strategic and coherent planning, to respond to requests from Member States in PCPD situations within
UNESCO’s fields of competence.
The Platform has five main operational aims: rehabilitation of educational systems; promotion of disaster risk mitigation; promotion of cultural and natural heritage at risk; reconstruction and promotion of independent and pluralistic media; supporting the revitalization of in-country research capacities. At an interagency level, the Platform Task Force strives to assure a full alignment of UNESCO’s mandates and capacities within the overall UN coordination frameworks, including OCHA Flash and Consolidated Appeals, UNDG/World Bank post-conflict needs assessments etc. and ensures that “gender” is mainstreamed as a cross-cutting issue in all PCPD situations.
The PCPD Platform Task Force has been supporting Field Offices in post-crisis responses, by assuring proper programme implementation infrastructures and staffing and facilitating relevant administrative mechanisms and arrangements. In May 2008, the PCPD Platform facilitated rapid response in two major natural disasters, the Myanmar Cyclone Nargis and the China Sichuan Earthquake and continues to backstop country offices in other emerging crisis situations, including the Caribbean hurricane season and severe flooding in India and Nepal.
UNESCO’s central services have begun engaging through the Intersectoral Platform to further review administrative procedures for PCPD situations, with a view toward more streamlined processes. The Platform Task Force is also tasked with PCPD knowledge management and effective sharing of best practices. The Platform meets on a monthly basis, with participation from PCPD field staff and representatives from various Programme Sectors. The Africa Department participates regularly in the Platform, sharing information on PCPD situations affecting the African Continent.
DDG - Platform Lead: Marcio Barbosa, Deputy Director-General
Platform Manager: Mogens Schmidt, DADG/CI m.schmidt@unesco.org
Expected Results for 2008/2009: