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International Women’s Day

Musical evening: concert with international artists (8 March 2010, 6:30 – 9 p.m., Room I),

This concert of 3 singers from different countries is organized in collaboration with l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
Upon invitation only. Limited places available.
trio chanteuses.JPG Concert by Melissa Laveaux, a Canadian musician of Haitian descent : a singer-songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist who plays music described as a mix of roots, folk, and blues using her signature percussive finger-style guitar and soulful vocal styling.

Concert by Ghalia Benali, Tunisian singer who lives in Belgium. Her music mixes Western classical songs and jazz with Arabic music, and represents a “global visa for many cultures and a microcosm where centuries meet to create something new”.

Concert by Fatoumata Diawara, Malian singer and comedian who lives in Paris. Her music is inspired by traditional African folk rhythms and talks about the relation between women and men, and of the difficulty and complexity of being a young woman of today;

Source BSP/GE
Author(s) BSP/GE





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