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International Women’s Day

Special event – projection of a documentary film (in French), 54 minutes.
Organized by the Division for Gender Equality of the Bureau of Strategic Planning, in collaboration with the Kerciné association.

15 March 2010, 11 am – 1 pm, Roopm XI
Djamila 1.bmp The documentary film “The Disaster of the adolescent mothers”, directed by Benedicta Tariere Peretu, Ph.D. in sociology, and Yves Marie Kerlen, Ph.D. in medicine, is a follow-up to their documentary film “Mutilations, Women’s Cries”, screened at UNESCO Headquarters in 2008, also on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
While exploring the case of adolescent mothers, the film puts into focus maternal health problems and shows how early marriage and health concerns are interrelated. It moreover portrays new initiatives taken by the government of Niger to combat these problems.

The documentary pays tribute to women’s strength and survival skills, and sends a powerful message on the importance of respecting and promoting women’s rights.
The documentary will be followed by a debate with the film directors.

Source BSP/GE
Author(s) BSP/GE





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