Thursday 5 May 2011
morning and afternoon
► Round Table on the theme: 'Social and Human Impact of International Migrations'.
Migration has become a key challenge for the international community. States and international organizations have in recent years dedicated unprecedented energy to address the issues raised by the cross-border movements of people. States and the international community, including non-governmental organizations, must find policy orientations that make migration beneficial for all, including sending and receiving countries and migrants themselves.
Experts from Member States, NGOs as well as from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have been invited to participate in this session.
Webcasts of the debates are available following these links: Thursday 5 May morning and Thursday 5 May afternoon.
The different presentations are available by clicking on the panelists' name: Lesleyanne Hawthorne ; Anne Buttimer ; Marc Berthiaume ; Raul Delgado Wise ; Richard Danziger ;
Julien Frey ; Bridget Wooding ; and Amri Baharuddin Shamsul
Friday 6 May 2011
morning and afternoon
► Examination of the lists of NGOs and foundations concerned by admissions, reclassifications and renewals. Representatives of those NGOs have been invited to participate in this session in order to present their cooperation with UNESCO.
► Report of the Director-General on various options to facilitate the participation of civil society from developing countries in the work of the committee ;
► Examination of the terms of reference of the committee with a view to including other actors in civil society.
Webcasts of the debates are available following these links: Friday 6 May morning and Friday 6 May afternoon.