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Call for Proposals: International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)

UNESCO Windhoek National Office is calling for proposals from media stakeholders to be submitted for possible funding under the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).

Deadline: 31st July 2015

IPDC is the only multilateral forum in the UN system designed to mobilise the international community to discuss and promote media development in developing countries. The Programme not only provides support for media projects but also seeks an accord to secure a healthy environment for the growth of free and pluralistic media in developing countries.

Media organisations such as press, radio and television, media training institutes, professional journalists' organisations, media development agencies, and community media organisations are eligible to seek support from IPDC. This can be done through the submission of project proposals to the UNESCO National Office in Windhoek for assessment before they are transmitted to the IPDC Section in UNESCO Headquarters (Paris, France).

In the current cycle, IPDC gives priority to:

 Projects by independent media or media-related institutions that focus on journalism safety or law reform fostering media independence, which also seek the active involvement and commitment of the State in the realisation of the aims of the projects;
 Project proposals that resonate globally, regionally, locally and involve several stakeholders, including state institutions, while preserving the media sector independence;
 Projects that apply Media Development Indicators (MDIs), Gender Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM) and/or the Journalists’ Safety Indicators; and
 Projects in areas of the Special Initiatives of excellence in journalism education and knowledge-driven media development.

Proposals are considered on a competitive basis hence the need to be in line with the above priorities. Please note that IPDC does not support projects that do not demonstrate gender-sensitivity and editorial independence. Support will also not be provided to specific audio-visual television productions/films and communication campaigns as well as organisation of conferences, unless they are clearly a programmatic part of a wider and ongoing initiative. Proposals that cover the institutional and maintenance costs of organisations or establishment costs of media NGOs are not supported.

The budget ceiling for smaller projects is US$10 000 while that for bigger projects is US$35 000.

Project Proposals should be e-mailed to: Mr. Chimbidzikai Mapfumo (c.mapfumo@unesco.org) not later than 31 July 2015.

Please contact Ms. Mwatile Ndinoshiho (n.mwatile@unesco.org) for further details on the IPDC priorities and guidelines. You may also visit our website: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/intergovernmental-programmes/ipdc/homepage/

File/document Call for Proposals.pdf
Author(s) UNESCO Windhoek Office
Publication Date 22 Jun 2015
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