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UNESCO/ISESCO Arab Research-Policy Network on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
The UNESCO/ISESCO Arab Research-Policy Network on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ARADESC) aims to identify priority lines of research on economic, social and cultural rights and further linking the research to public policies.
As the result of the Meeting of regional research-policy networks on economic, social and cultural rights, organized by UNESCO in collaboration with ISESCO on 29 and 30 March 2006, the UNESCO/ISESCO Arab Research-Policy Network (ARADESC) was created in Rabat in May 2006.

This network is the first of its kind in the Maghreb region, regrouping both governmental and non-governmental actors. Thus, among 26 founding members of the network are representatives of national human rights institutions, non-governmental organizations, academic community, including UNESCO Chairs, universities and research centers of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia.

The purpose of ARADESC is to make knowledge produced by social sciences available for public action and to strengthen interaction between researchers and policy-makers. The research priorities include the right to education, implementation of all human rights and situation with cultural rights in particular.

For more information, visit the ARADESC website.

  Réunion du Réseau arabe ISESCO/UNESCO sur les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels (Réseau ARADESC)   Réunion du Réseau arabe ISESCO/UNESCO sur les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels (Réseau ARADESC)
16-12-2008 (UNESCO) - Les 18 et 19 décembre 2008, les membres du Réseau ARADESC et des experts en droits culturels se sont réunis à Rabat (Maroc) pour discuter des droits culturels au Maghreb et en Égypte.  Continuer...


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