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Official Launching of the UNESCO Coalition of Latin American and Caribbean Cities against Racism and Discrimination
Montevideo, Uruguay, 25-27 October 2006
Within the framework of UNESCO’s initiative to create an International Coalition of Cities against Racism, the regional Latin American and Caribbean coalition will be launched on 25-27 October 2006 in Montevideo, Uruguay, on the occasion of the Forum of Ibero-American mayors held in Montevideo just ahead of the Summit of Heads of State and Government.

Montevideo has been called upon to take on the role of “lead city” for the region and has since the beginning of this initiative played an active role of coordination and organization.

On June 21-23, the city of Montevideo hosted the meeting of experts that drew up a Ten-Point Plan of Action reflecting the specificities and priorities of Latin America and the Caribbean. In the launching in October, the mayors and representatives of a large number of Latin American and Caribbean cities are expected to approve this Plan and to officially sign on to the Coalition, thus committing themselves to adapting existing policies or introducing new municipal normative action that contributes to the struggle against racism, xenophobia and all forms of discrimination in their municipalities.

Some of these priorities are the fight against racism, xenophobia, ethnical and religious intolerance, the persisting legacy of colonization, and discriminatory attitudes towards street children.

Contact: Marcello Scarone Azzi, m.scarone@unesco.org

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Author(s) UNESCO - Social and Human Sciences Sector
Publication Date 04-10-2006

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