The country hosts a UNESCO National Office in Port-au-Prince.
Haiti’s collaboration with the UNESCO Natural Sciences Sector revolves around island-specific and ocean-related issues. It is involved in several projects that focus on the sustainable and integrated management of coastal zones.
One such project aims to create a dialogue within and between local stakeholder groups to enhance coastal and fisheries resources management in the Arcadins coastal zone using scientific and local knowledge. An ethno-ecological guide was elaborated with the fishermen to serve as a basis for dialogue between users and managers of the same resources, and relevant laws and documentation were translated into Creole, the coastal communities’ language.
Below you can access the projects that are currently being implemented in the country within the framework of UNESCO’s Natural Sciences Sector.
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE)
Coasts and Small Islands
- Managing beach resources and planning for coastline change, Caribbean islands More
- Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity Program (CARICOMP): sustaining coastal biodiversity benefits and ecosystem services
- Enhancing coastal and fisheries resource management through stakeholder participation, local knowledge and environmental education, Arcadins Coast More