The country is covered by the UNESCO Cluster Office San José, in Costa Rica.
It is directly concerned by a remote sensing project that aims to help protect biodiversity in the Mesoamerica Biological Corridor. The project uses space technologies to assess the current overall status of conservation of the ecosystem as a whole, using UNESCO sites as main pilot samples. The environmental assessment will contribute to implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which aims to reduce biodiversity loss by 2010.
The Water Centre for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), located in Panama City, is operating under the auspices of UNESCO. The centre promotes the adequate management of water resources and fosters sustainable development in the LAC region, while furthering research and cooperation for development in water management.
Below you can access the projects that are currently being implemented in the country within the framework of UNESCO’s Natural Sciences Sector.
- Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) project in the Panama Canal Basin More
People, Biodiversity and Ecology
- UNESCO and the European Space Agency (ESA) Project: Using Space Technologies to Assist Mesoamerica with the Biological Corridor More
- Biosphere Reserves (WNBRs)
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE)
Sciences Policy and Sustainable Development
- Establishing Science and Technology Parks More
Coasts and Small Islands
- Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity Program (CARICOMP): sustaining coastal biodiversity benefits and ecosystem services
Natural Disasters Reduction
- Regional Action Programme Central America (RAP-CA) for Capacity Building for Natural Disaster Reduction More
Remote Sensing
- UNESCO and the European Space Agency (ESA) Project: Using Space Technologies to Assist Mesoamerica with the Biological Corridor More