The 6th EUROGOOS Conference will be held from 4-6 October 2011 in Sopot, Poland, during the Polish EU Presidency. Part of the EUROGOOS Conference will be dedicated to the IOC jubilee with the aim of discussing the increasing needs for future operational oceanographic observations and services as a prerequisite to sustainable maritime development. The IOC Anniversary logo will be used on conference documents.
Development of a commemorative issue of the “Marine Scientist” magazine is in process as well as liaison with Reed Exhibitions to badge Oceanology International 2010 with the 50th Anniversary logo. The Organization will consider the possibility of promoting one of the annual IMarEST awards or scholarships as an award to celebrate the IOC 50th Anniversary.
Stanley Gray Lectures on "The challenge of ocean governance: An IOC perspective". More
International Ocean Institute
The IOI-PIM Conference in Beijing, China and other related events organized in China by IOI in the fall of 2010, will be dedicated to the IOC 50th Anniversary. The children artwork exhibition was organized in UNESCO Headquarters, in Paris, France on 8 June 2010 during the official inauguration of the Anniversary.
IOI regional training course on Ocean Governance for Mediterranean and Eastern European Countries under the title "Towards a holistic maritime policy" took place in Malta from 14 November to 17 December 2010. This year course was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of IOC. Seventeen traineers from the region and from Australia, China and Thailand took part in the course. The participation of trainees from outside the region will help establishing similar courses under the leadership of IOI in other geographical regions.
Dr I. Oliounine, Coordinator of the IOC 50th anniversary took part in the course and delivered a presentation about the history of IOC and plans of the Commission for the future. In his presentation he emphasized the existence of fruitfull relation and collaboration between IOC and IOI. More
Global Ocean Forum
The fifth Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands under the title “Ensuring survival, preserving life, improvising governance” was organized in UNESCO, Paris from 3-4 May 2010 by the Ocean Forum and co-hosted by France and IOC. Half of the Day of the Conference was dedicated to the IOC 50th Anniversary.
PICES jointly with the Ocean Science Section of the IOC organized an International conference on “Climate Effects on Fish and Fisheries: Forecasting Impacts, Assessing Ecosystem Responses, and Evaluating Management Strategies”, on 26–29 April 2010 in Sendai, Japan.
World Ocean Network / NAUSICAA
There are three events planned as a contribution to the Anniversary: International meeting of the World Ocean Network, on 9-12 May 2010 (implemented); Traveling exhibition under the title "An Ocean for Humanity" (in progress); World Underwater film Festival in Marseille, on 27-31 October 2010.
The United Nations Postal Administration has issued, in the middle of 2010, stamps, first day covers and prestige books on the theme One Earth, One Ocean. Information about the stamps, as well as about the ocean and the place and role of IOC in its research and management was published in the UNPA philatelic bulletins and prestige books. The stamps were issued in three denominations - US dollar, Swiss France and Euro. All products feature the IOC 50th Anniversary logo.
Monumental Multi-media Art Exhibition will be organized at Rockefeller Center, 7-13 October 2010, New York City (USA) on the basis of the above-mentioned philatelic products.
IOC Commemorative Stamps at the National Oceanographic Library. More