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UNESCO: Acting with and for Youth
UNESCO's objective is to help empower young people, reaching out to them, responding to their expectations and ideas, fostering useful and long-lasting skills.
Meeting this objective is a challenging task!

The United Nations define youth as persons between the ages of 15 and 24. UNESCO understands that young people are a heterogeneous group in constant evolution and that the experience of ‘being young’ varies enormously across regions and within countries.

We are encouraging:
  • The participation of young women and men in UNESCO and its various networks and partner organizations, to open up opportunities for all to listen to and engage in dialogue.
  • Partnerships between UNESCO and young people’s networks and organizations, to solicit and integrate their views and priorities and collaborate with them in setting up projects and programmes in the areas of the Organization’s competence.
  • The integration of youth concerns and issues into the policy agendas of Member States in education, the sciences, culture and communication, in order to create spaces and opportunities for empowering young people and giving recognition, visibility and credibility to their contributions.
Our programme focuses on: Contact: youth@unesco.org

  Youth Gathering at UNESCO for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination   Youth Gathering at UNESCO for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
15-03-2010 (UNESCO) - On 19 March, UNESCO and the French Federation of UNESCO Clubs invited young people to discuss the issue of racism and discrimination at a youth gathering at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (France).  More...


  2010 International Essay Contest for Young People – Call for essays!   2010 International Essay Contest for Young People – Call for essays!
25-02-2010 (UNESCO) - The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO organize an international essay contest for young people from all over the world. Participants will express themselves on the theme: “My Role in Creating a Peaceful World”. What is your vision of a peaceful and harmonious world? What can you and the young people of the world do to realize that vision?  More...


  UNESCO listens to youth: Sixth Youth Forum in Paris, 1 to 3 October   UNESCO listens to youth: Sixth Youth Forum in Paris, 1 to 3 October
26-09-2009 (UNESCOPRESS) - On the eve of the opening of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO, 128 young people from 89 countries and some 84 observers representing 68 organizations took part in the 6th UNESCO Youth Forum in Paris, which was held from 1 to 3 October at UNESCO. This year’s theme was “Investing out of the crisis: towards a partnership between UNESCO and youth organizations”.  More...


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  UNESCO and Youth
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