Research networks |
The Asia Pacific Migration Research Network (APMRN)
Established in: 1995
Secretariat located at: Australian Centre for Population Research (Australian National University) Countries involved:
Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Pacific (based in Fiji) and Vietnam.
Short Description:
The central focus of the APMRN is the long-term role of migration and increased ethno-cultural diversity as major factors in the social transformation of societies in the Asia-Pacific region. The aim is to build an international research network which will carry out interdisciplinary research on social and political aspects of international migration and growing ethno-cultural diversity in the region.
APMRM Coordinator
Robyn Iredale
The Central and Eastern European Network on Migration Research (CEENOM)
Established in: 1998
Secretariat located at: Russian Academy of Science, Moskow
Countries involved:
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
Short Description:
The overall objective of the network is to uncover the main obstacles in the way of protecting the rights of migrant workers, which may prevent the countries involved from signing the UN migration convention.
Anatoly Vishnevsky
Institute for Economic Forecasting, Centre for Demography and Human Ecology
Tel.: (095) 129 1722 332 4962
Fax.: (095) 310 7071
UNITWIN/UNESCO Network on Forced Migration
Established in: 1998
Secretariat located at: Refugees Studies Centre, University of Oxford
Universities involved:
An-Najah National University (the Palestinian Authority), Yarmouk University (Jordan), Hassan II University (Morocco), the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) and the University of Oxford (UK)
Short Description:
The UNITWIN/UNESCO Network on Forced Migration aims at comparative and cooperative knowledge in information, research, teaching, training and publications on refugees and forced migration among the participating institutions.
Stephen Castles
Refugee Studies Program
University of Oxford
Queen Elizabeth House
21 st Giles. Oxford , OX1 31A
United Kingdom
Tel: 44-1865 270724
Fax: 44-1865 270721
UNESCO Chair on Migration and Human Rights
Established in: 2001
Secretariat located at: University Hassan II Ain Chock , Casablanca, Morocco
Short Description:
The Chair aims at providing specialization in the legal aspects of Migration and especially in Migration in relation with Human Rights. It includes teaching and research on Migration and Human Rights. Migration is considered in its broad meaning. This includes any human displacement: internal or international, voluntary or forced, legal or illegal. Human Rights (Droits Humains in French) is also taken in its broad meaning, that is all laws guaranteeing human dignity for all, all the time and every where. They include, among other laws, Human Rights Law, Humanitarian Law (or the Law of armed conflicts), Refugee Law, Environment Law, Development Law and International Private Law.
Professor Khadija Elmadmad
Holder of the UNESCO Chair on Migration and Human Rights
University Hassan II-Ain Chock
Maarif Casablanca 20101 Oasis
Tel: +(212)068 896 000; 061 311 042
Fax: +(212) 02236 59 37 |
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