Ethics Teacher Training Course in Croatia |
Ethics Teacher Training Courses are set up in order to provide training to ethics teachers with the purpose to enhance their skills and abilities. They aim particularly on training a younger generation of teachers so that ethics teaching programs in the near future can expand and improve in all Member States of UNESCO. The next course will take place at the Inter University Centre in Dubrovnik (Republic of Croatia) from 28 June to 2 July 2010. |
The Ethics Education Program of UNESCO is mapping existing teaching programs in the area of ethics in the Member States of UNESCO. The various programs are described, discussed in expert meetings, and made available in the Global Ethics Observatory. Experiences concerning the contents, intensity, methods and materials of existing programs are therefore publicly accessible and can be exchanged among experts. Teachers who want to initiate ethics teaching can find suggestions and ideas in the database. The quality of ethics teaching programs, however, also substantially depends on the quality of the teachers. Ethics teaching can be made much more influential and attractive for students if they are involved by a highly qualified, stimulating and inspiring teacher.
This course is set up to provide training to ethics teachers with the purpose to enhance their skills and abilities. It aims particularly on training a younger generation of teachers so that ethics teaching programs in the near future can expand and improve in all Member States of UNESCO. The course is supported by the Croatian National Commission for UNESCO, the Israel National Commission for UNESCO as well as the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics in Haifa, Israel. It is organised in cooperation with the Inter University Centre in Dubrovnik.
Objectives- To introduce the students to the means and resources of teaching ethics.
- To teach the students the methodologies and methods of teaching ethics.
- To assess and provide feedback on the students’ demonstrations of teaching skills under the guidance of experienced teachers.
Venue: Inter University Centre in Dubrovnik, Republic of Croatia
Dates: 28 June – 2 July 2010
Coordinators: Ana Borovecki, Henk ten Have, Amnon Carmi, Nenad Hlača and Miroslav Mastilica
Teaching staff- Amnon Carmi, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, University of Haifa, Israel.
- Daniella Keidar, The International Center for Health, Law and Ethics, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa, Israel.
- Jan Helge Solbakk, Professor of Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway.
- Henk ten Have, Director, Division of Ethics of Science and Technology, UNESCO, Paris, France.
Participants: maximum 20 students
Students for the course will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:- Masters degree (in areas such as law, medicine, philosophy, ethics, social sciences);
- University position (allowing for teaching experiences);
- Age between 30 and 45 years;
- Good command of English language;
- Motivation letter.
Scholarships (covering food, travel and accommodation) are available for participants from the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kyrgyzstan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Georgia, Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine. If you want to apply for a scholarship, please fill in the application form for scholarships [Word, 43 KB] [PDF, 68 KB].
Reading materials
Participants are expected to have read the following materials prior to the training:- Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights [PDF, 390 KB], UNESCO, 2005.
- Guide 3: Educating Bioethics Committees [PDF, 2.0 MB], UNESCO, 2007.
- Informed Consent [PDF, 104 KB], A. Carmi, 2004.
- Classroom communication [PDF, 255 KB], D. Keidar, 2005.
The course will be given in English. Adequate command of the English language is therefore necessary for participation.
Persons who want to register should submit a registration form [Word, 212 KB] [PDF, 24 KB].
They should also include a letter of motivation (2 pages) explaining why they wish to participate in the course and how they expect to benefit from participating. The letter needs to be written in English. It should be submitted to: Henk ten Have, h.tenhave@unesco.org.
Deadline for registration is 1 May 2010.
Each selected participant should take care of his or her own costs for accommodation, meals and travel to and from the venue in Dubrovnik (unless a scholarship has been received).
Participants need to have appropriate insurance for illness, disability and accidents so that they are covered for such costs when travelling to and from Dubrovnik and while staying in Dubrovnik. UNESCO cannot take any responsibility for insurance issues.
The teachers will assume that each participant has studied the reading materials. Each student should also have prepared a “teaching class” on the basis of which he or she can receive feedback and be evaluated. He or she can select a topic in (bio)ethics according to his or her own choice and expertise, and make a preparation of a “class” or demonstration of his or her teaching skills for maximum 15 minutes. The audience of this presentation will be the group of fellow students as well as the teachers. The teachers will then provide feedback and advice based on their experiences.
Download the programme of the training course [PDF, 13 KB]
For more information, please contact Henk ten Have, h.tenhave@unesco.org.
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