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The implementation of the UNESCO Strategy on Human Rights relies on the further deepening of its cooperation with partners within and outside the UN system and the building of new partnerships with various actors working in the field of human rights.
The UNESCO Strategy on Human Rights calls first of all for a strengthened cooperation with Member States and National Commissions for UNESCO. Their mobilization and support to the efforts of UNESCO are indispensable in order to increase the Organization’s contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights.

UNESCO will further reinforce its cooperation with United Nations Charter- and treaty-based human rights monitoring bodies, other specialized agencies, programmes and funds and other entities of the United Nations system, as well as with other intergovernmental organizations with a view to achieving a better coordination of human rights activities and ensure their greater impact.

A close liaison already exists on a vast number of issues with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), with which a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 2003, while the interaction with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has been growing stronger over the years.

UNESCO has traditionally maintained close contacts with human rights research and training institutions, UNESCO Chairs and the academic community, non-governmental organizations and other civil society associations in carrying out its human rights activities and the strengthening of cooperation remains a priority for the Organization. The focus of the Strategy on policy-oriented research requires a further integrated partnership with such institutions involving them more actively in the design, implementation and evaluation of related activities.

See also List of Selected Human Rights Websites.

  Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights (17-28 August 2009, Turku/Abö, Finland)   Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights (17-28 August 2009, Turku/Abö, Finland)
26-01-2009 (Institute for Human Rights at Abö Akademi University) - organized by the Institute for Human Rights at Abö Akademi University.  More...


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