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07-04-2010 (SHS e-News 49 / April 2010) - SHSviews’ first issue of 2010 has just been published in English, French and Spanish, and will also be available in Russian. Covering the news from January-March 2010, SHSviews 27 is accompanied by a special issue covering the strategy of UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences programme for 2001-2011 and looks back over the main results obtained during the past decade.
04-02-2010 (SHS e-News 47 / February 2010) - A third meeting of the Steering Committee of the Institute of West Africa (WAI) took place from 22 to 24 February 2010 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (France) to finalize the modalities for the creation of this international research institute dedicated to regional integration and social transformation in West Africa, scheduled for first quarter 2010, in Praia (Cape Verde).
07-01-2010 (SHS e-News 46 / January 2010) - The 1st Forum of Ministers of Social Development for the Caribbean was organized by the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture of the Government of Jamaica, in cooperation with the UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme and the UNESCO Office in Kingston, from 24 to 26 January 2010.
02-12-2009 (SHS e-News 45 / December 2009) - The first meeting of the Permanent Forum of the Arab-African Dialogue on Democracy and Human Rights took place from 7 to 9 December 2009 at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in Cairo (Egypt), with the primary objective of examining the impact of migratory flows in these two regions.
09-11-2009 (SHS e-News 44 / November 2009) - The international celebration of World Philosophy Day 2009 took place in Moscow and Saint Petersburg from 16 to 19 November 2009. A country with a long tradition in philosophy and a true passion for thought and word, this year the Russian Federation took the place of honour, as organizer and host of this international event.
02-10-2009 (SHS e-News 43 / October 2009) - The International Coalition of Cities against Racism (ICCAR) will hold two international conferences this month: the first one, in Nuremberg (Germany), from 5 to 6 October, and the second one, in Bandung (Indonesia), from 29 to 31 October.
07-09-2009 (SHS e-News 42 / September 2009) - The 9th session of the Intergovernmental Council (IGC) of the Management of Social Transformations programme (MOST) will take place at the Organization’s headquarters (Fontenoy, Room IV) in Paris (France) from 28 to 30 September 2009.
06-08-2009 (SHS e-News 41 / August 2009) - Covering the news from July-September 2009, SHSviews, the quarterly magazine of UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector, has just been published in English and French.
03-07-2009 (SHS e-News 40 / July 2009) - Three important meetings on Human Rights and Bioethics will be held during this month. From the “Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation” meeting, 7-8 July in Paris (France), and the “Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and its Applications”, 16-17 July in Venice (Italy), to the “Meeting of the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee”, 9-10 July in Paris (France).
29-05-2009 (SHS e-News 39 / June 2009) - At the initiative of the Sector for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO, two important meetings on women in the African Great Lakes region will be held in Mombasa (Kenya), from 2 to 4 June 2009: the Second Forum of Ministers for Women’s Affairs of the Great Lakes Region and a “Policy Dialogue” on strategies for combating violence against women.
26-05-2009 (SHS e-News 38 / May 2009) - Covering the news from April-June 2009, SHSviews, the quarterly magazine of UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector, has just been published in English and French.
09-04-2009 (SHS e-News 37 / April 2009) - The United Nations will be holding the Durban Review Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, from 20 to 24 April 2009. The main purpose is to evaluate the progress made so far in achieving the goals set by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa, in 2001.
02-03-2009 (SHS e-News 36 / March 2009) - SHSviews’ first issue of 2009 has just been published in English and in French with a new layout that devotes even more space to texts and illustrations in order to better report on UNESCO’s activities in the field regarding its social and human sciences programme.
02-02-2009 (SHS e-News 35 / February 2009) - On 13 February, the establishment of the International Centre for the Advancement of Human Rights in Buenos Aires, Argentina was the closing event of the year of commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On this occasion, an agreement on the modalities of the Centre’s creation was signed between UNESCO’s Director-General, Koïchiro Matsuura, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, Jorge Taiana.
12-01-2009 (SHS e-News 34 / January 2009) - Committed to building peace through the implementation of activities that promote, inter alia, human rights and taking into account the results of research in social sciences for the benefit of public policies for economic, social and cultural development, the entire Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO hopes that the values held by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be reaffirmed everywhere throughout this new year.
01-12-2008 (SHS e-News 33 / December 2008) - 10 December 2008 – World Human Rights Day – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be 60 years old. On this symbolic date, UNESCO and all of its networks are organizing numerous events around the world to promote the rights contained in this Declaration and to offer the general public an opportunity to better understand the essential contribution made by UNESCO to enhance and develop the four rights which fall within its fields of competence.
25-11-2008 (SHS e-News 32 / November 2008) - Reporting on the implementation of UNESCO's Social and Human Sciences Programme, n°22 of the SHSviews magazine has been published in English and in French, and is placed under the banner of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
15-10-2008 (SHS e-News 31 / October 2008) - The Fifteenth Session of the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) will meet at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 28 to 29 October 2008. It will be followed by a Joint Session of the IBC and the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC), convened by UNESCO's Director-General on 30 and 31 October 2008, in order to foster the exchange of findings between the two committees on their on-going work.
08-09-2008 (SHS e-News 30 / September 2008) - The 61st annual conference of Non-Governmental Organizations organized by the UN Department of Public Information came to its end on the 5th of September at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
06-08-2008 (SHS e-News 29 / August 2008) - Reporting on a quarterly basis on the implementation of UNESCO's programme in the social and human sciences, No. 21 of the SHSviews magazine has been published in English and in French, and should be soon available in Russian in an electronic version.
07-07-2008 (SHS e-News 28 / July 2008) - One of the significant projects which is being implemented by the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO for development in Africa, is the project of the Women's Rights Research and Documentation Centre for the Great Lakes Region. It is expected to reach the next milestone in July 2008.
03-06-2008 (SHS e-News 27 / June 2008) - Covering the period April-June 2008, No. 20 of the quarterly magazine SHSviews from the Social and Human Science Sector of UNESCO has just been published in English and French and will soon be available in Spanish and Russian.
15-05-2008 (SHS e-News 26 / May 2008) - Acting worldwide as an international Think Tank which seeks to make the social sciences work for peace-building and the fight against poverty, the Sector of Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO will organize during May in Africa, Asia and Europe, three particularly important events for researchers, policy-makers and actors in economic and social development.
07-04-2008 (SHS e-News 25 / April 2008) - After further development of SHSviews in order to take into account the three new priorities of UNESCO's programme in the field of Social and Human Sciences, the quarterly magazine will pursue its editorial development by publishing on a regular basis and as from the next issue a Spanish electronic version of the magazine on the SHS website.
29-02-2008 (SHS e-News 24 / March 2008) - As the whole year, 2008 will be dedicated to the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, two major opportunities to promote UNESCO’s commitment to human rights and their application will take place in March.
04-02-2008 (SHS e-News 23 / February 2008) - The Brazilian city – Porto Alegre – known for its social forums, is offering a unique setting for collective discussions and exchange of experience by hosting the first world conference on: “Development of Cities: Democratic innovation and social transformation for inclusive cities in the 21st century”, from 13 to 16 February 2008.
24-01-2008 (SHS e-News 22 / January 2008) - 2008 – Year of Planet Earth: Mobilizing societies to adapt to climate change / Interview with Koïchiro Matsuura: “Social and Human Sciences play an indispensable role” / Dossier: Social and Human Sciences within National Commissions for UNESCO: Focus on the Philippines
03-12-2007 (SHS e-News 21 / December 2007) - On Human Rights Day, 10 December 2007, at its Headquarters in Paris, UNESCO will unveil the list of activities commemorating the 60th anniversary of signing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
05-11-2007 (SHS e-News 20 / November 2007) - Immediately following UNESCO’s 34th General Conference, which re-affirmed the importance of creating the conditions for a genuine dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and the members of civil society in order to address the multiple challenges of the contemporary world, UNESCO is launching a new tool to support policy-making based on research results from international social and human sciences.
01-10-2007 (SHS e-News 19 / October 2007) - Dossier - The dialogue between researchers and policy makers: what is the role of UNESCO? / Interview with Juan Somavia: “Decent work is everybody's business” / Social Transformations: Young people at the heart of UNESCO’s General Conference
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