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International Convention against Doping in Sport
Conference of Parties
Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport
Consequences of Doping
Anti-Doping Education
Physical Education and Sport
Anti-Doping Home

Anti-doping education
UNESCO strongly believes that education is central to any programme targeted at removing doping from sport. Lasting prevention will be best achieved through education of athletes and the wider sporting community.
Anti-doping educationAt a minimum, athletes and athlete support personnel need to be informed of their rights and obligations, of prohibited substances and methods, doping control procedures and relevant aspects of the World Anti-Doping Code. Information about the consequences of committing an anti-doping rule violation, potentially a two-year ban from all sport for the first violation, provides a powerful deterrent.

UNESCO is also interested in raising awareness amongst the athletes of tomorrow. It is important to educate young people about the harm doping does to sport as well as to the individuals concerned. Schools provide an ideal learning environment because it is often here where young people learn about ‘fair play’ and teamwork as part of physical education programmes or through their own participation in sporting activities.

See also:
> Anti-doping education brochure
> International Charter on Physical Education and Sport
> United Nations Cyberschoolbus

Photo: © UNESCO, D. Roger

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