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International Convention against Doping in Sport
Conference of Parties
Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport
Consequences of Doping
Anti-Doping Education
Physical Education and Sport
Anti-Doping Home

Prohibited List
A key response by sports organizatons and governments to doping in sport has been to ban the use of a range of substances and methods by athletes and athlete support personnel.
Prohibited ListEvery year the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prepares a comprehensive list of prohibited substances and methods.

This Prohibited List is continually evolving as new substances and methods are uncovered and scientific knowledge of the effects of the various substances advances.

The annual Prohibited List is an integral part of the Convention because it is fundamental to international harmonization in the fight against doping in sport.

There is a mechanism in the Convention that allows States Parties to the Convention to approve and adopt the annual Prohibited List.

> 2010 Prohibited List [PDF, 91 KB]

> 2009 Prohibited List [PDF, 173 KB]

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Background to the Convention
States Parties
Conference of Parties
Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport
WADA Documents
World Anti-Doping Code
Prohibited List
Therapeutic Use Exemptions
Other International Standards