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Quick link to this page: http://portal.unesco.org/communities

  • ©Marco Michelini/Stockexchange.

UNESCO strives to create communities of practice that use information and communication technologies (ICT) to exchange knowledge and debate issues across its domains of action.

Established UNESCO networks and partnerships are the core of these new virtual communities currently being forged through the UNESCO portal.

Access to these partners and networks across are grouped into six groups or families of communities detailed below:

Member States possess national and regional actors including government interfaces, national institutions, ministries, parliamentarians and local authorities that ensure participation in activities and global drives.

United Nations System communities arise from within and between the vast family of UN agencies, bodies and global initiatives.

Intergovernmental Organizations include networks of international organizations from outside the UN family, multilateral organizations and intergovernmental bodies such as European Union Institutions and multilateral development banks.

Non-Governmental Organizations not affiliated to member state governments such as UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations, as well as foundations connect on local, national and regional levels.

Private Sector networks encompass private and public enterprises, foundations and business organizations work with UNESCO to pursue common goals.

Media participants including journalists, audiovisual and new media professionals are on the forefront of online community building.

Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific