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National Lists

In April 2003, the Clearing House for Literary translation launched a first survey among the National Commissions for UNESCO with a view to identifying great philosophical and literary works which countries would particularly like to see translated and published. This survey focused in particular on the category of modern novel.

Click on the world map (on the left) to see the lists of the selected titles.



The book selected had to present the following characteristics:

1. They should already have been published in the original language;
2. They should be unknown or not very well known beyond the   language and country of its origin;
3. They should be representative, in some exceptional way, of the culture of its country and time;
4. They should be worthy of translation by virtue of its universal value;
5. Their contents should not offend the sensitivities of other countries and cultures;
6. Their contents should be devoid of any intolerant xenophobic or discriminatory belief, attitude or ideology.

Those lists also include works recommended after the survey by National Commissions for UNESCO.

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