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As part of its efforts for developing cooperation with the intellectual community, UNESCO has developed partnership with INTERCENTER. Among some recent international colloquiums, one can mention the Colloquium on “The right to education of vulnerable groups, whilst respecting their cultural identity”, which was organized by INTERCENTER in Messina (Italy) on 16 and 18 September 1999, under UNESCO’s patronage.

The Colloquium brought into prominence UNESCO’s vocation - to promote the right to education as a fundamental right, with critical reflections on the right to education of vulnerable groups. This Colloquium makes a contribution to a right-based approach, which takes as a starting point a holistic vision of education. 

The Colloquium addressed the following themes:

- Les droits à l’identité culturelle et leur enseignement;
- Right to Education for Vulnerable Groups: from Exclusion to Inclusiveness, from Separation to Integration;
- Education for a Culture of Peace: Respect of Values and Cultural Identity;
- Non-discrimination, égalité des chances et le droit à l’éducation – L’action de l’UNESCO;
- Les droits à l’éducation des personnes vulnérables dans le respect de leur identité culturelle: contexte africain;
- Human Rights Education and Minority Rights;
- The Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Education on the Northem Edge of Europe;
- Droit à l’éducation et les Tziganes;
- Vocational and Adult Education of the Roma: the Finnish Experience;
- Le droit à l’éducation des groupes vulnérables: la situation en Sicile.

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