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  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Standard Gender Mainstreaming Tools

Though these instruments have been designed for UNESCO staff and their partner organizations, these resources can provide useful information for government staff or individuals working in civil society organizations.

Their aim is to provide practical guidance that can help staff address gender equality issues in their daily work.

NEW: UNESCO Gender Equality eLearning Programme Version 1
This Programme contains 6 modules that will enhance your knowledge of Gender Equality. For more information and to access the Programme CLICK HERE

UN Tool Kit :

UN Gender Score Card to mainstream Gender Equality
(UNCT Performance Indicators for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment):

The Scorecard is intended to provide an assessment of what the UNCT as a whole contributes to gender mainstreaming and consequently to the promotion of gender equality in the country. The main focus is on gender mainstreaming strategies and processes, rather than on development results. The Scorecard helps UNCTs become more aware of their own performance on gender equality and thus better positioned to take action in order to enhance their performance. The timing of the Scorecard is critical as the results can inform the review of the UNDAF and/or One Programme.
To learn more, click here.


UNESCO Gender Lenses:

1 - Baseline definitions of key gender-related concepts
2 - UNESCO Gender Lens for project design and review
3 - UNESCO Gender Lens for measuring performance: guide for developing gender sensitive indicators
4 - UNESCO Gender Lens for developing terms of reference (TORs) of surveys & research
5 – UNESCO Gender Lens for planning and execution of programme evaluations
6 - UNESCO Gender Lens for meetings, workshops and conferences
7 - UNESCO Gender Lens for organizing and running trainings
8 – Guidelines on Gender neutral Language
9 - Key elements for programming with the CEDAW

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