UNESCO Implementing Mauritius Strategy |
  | UNESCO at Mauritius '05 |  |
  | From Barbados'94 to Mauritius'05 |  |
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| UNESCO and Barbados+10 |
 | Ecology and Rational Use of Island Ecosystems - by UNESCO Report of an expert panel to elaborate the scientific content, approaches and plans of study that might be adopted in cooperative work on MAB Project 7. Published as MAB Report Series No 11. Available on microfiche from UNESCO’s Archives and Micrography Section.More |
 | Sustainable Development and Environmental Management of Small Islands - by W. Beller, P. d’Ayala and P. Hein Volume 5 in the Man and the Biosphere Series, comprising 23 individually authored contributions grouped in two sections, with a final consolidated chapter presenting the conclusions and recommendations of an interoceanic workshop which gave birth to the book.More |
 | European Island Agenda - by One of outputs of the First European Conference on Sustainable Island Development, held in Menorca (Spain) in April 1997 under the aegis of the International Scientific Council for Island Development (INSULA), UNESCO, European Commission and the Consell Insula de Menorca.More |
 | El Niño: Fact and Fiction - by Bruno Voituriez and Guy Jacques Third volume in the IOC Ocean Forum Series, designed to make scientific knowledge on and understanding of the ocean-climate interface more accessible to the general public. More |