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  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Communication & Information in Southern Africa

Communication & Information in Southern Africa

Building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication in Angola, Lesotho, Namibia, South Afric and Swaziland.

UNESCO promotes freedom of expression and press freedom as a basic human right. Every year, World Press Freedom Day provides an opportunity to affirm the importance of freedom of expression and press freedom. Furthermore, by providing policy advice and developing networks, it encourages governments to develop standards and legislative instruments to defend this principle.

UNESCO also provides direct support to independent and pluralistic media, especially supporting public service broadcasting and community media.

A key part of UNESCO’s strategy lies in promoting access to information and knowledge through a range of activities. These include creating information and communication technology training opportunities, in particular for women and young people.

ArticlesHumanitarian Reporting and Development Journalism Workshop, Cape Town , South Africa
UNESCO Windhoek Office conducted a 2-day training workshop on humanitarian reporting and development journalism for correspondents from five community radios in South Africa from 1-2 December 2014. The objectives of the workshop were to introduce participants to the MDGs and to show how South African has progressed in meeting the goals as well as to enable participants to come up with community-based stories from the MDGs.
DocumentsSADC Protocol on Culture, Information and Sport SADC
[Text.Proceedings] The primary objective of this Protocol is to develop and implement policies and programmes in the areas of culture, information and sport which enhance a regional identity in diversity, with a commitment to promoting the right of access to information and participation in cultural and sporting activities by all citizens.  
DocumentsTowards a common UN system approach: Harnessing communication to achieve the Millennium Development Goals Da Costa, Peter; Jayaweera, Wijayananda
[Text.Monograph] This document was prepared as a background paper for the 10th UN Inter-Agency Round Table on Communication for Development, which is to be held in Addis Ababa from 12 to 14 February 2007, in line with the UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/51/172 of December 1996. This publication provides an overview of the issues that were covered during the Round Table, as well as suggestions as to how inter-agency coordination can be improved, both at headquarters and at country level.   application/pdf
DocumentsAfrican Charter on Broadcasting 2001 UNESCO
[Text.Proceedings] African Charter on Broadcasting 2001, adopted in Windhoek in May 2001, ten years after the adoption of the Windhoek Declaration.   application/pdf
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