Interviews of SHSviews |
in SHSviews 26 His term of office as Chairman of the Executive Board of UNESCO expiring, Olabiyi Babalola Joseph Yaï provides an initial assessment of the experience gained in his role for SHSviews. Convinced that UNESCO has a role to play in rethinking global governance, he advocates having an international conference organized that would distribute the cards and responsibilities within the UN system. More...
in SHSviews 25 Vice-President of the Permanent Forum of Arab-African Dialogue, created with the support of UNESCO, the former UN Secretary-General was in Paris during the month of March 2009 to participate in the first meeting of the Forum’s Committee. On this occasion, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, responding to questions from SHSviews stressed “the importance of democratizing globalization” and strengthening “South-South solidarity”. More...
in SHSviews 25 1 question… “Monaco hosted the International Conference on the consequences of climate change in the Arctic. Why is there such a commitment to this issue?”
His Serene Highness Prince Albert II: “Finding long-term solutions in order to ensure a fair and sustainable development of our planet” More...
in SHSviews 24 In order to follow the path to development, Africa must put into place a strategy for the creation and retention of wealth and use the global financial crisis to formulate and initiate its own model of development. These are the beliefs of Professor Lambert N’galadjo Bamba, Commissioner for the Macroeconomic Policy Department for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), who was interviewed to mark the meeting of the Steering Committee of the future West Africa Institute, which took place in March 2009, in Abidjan. More...
in SHSviews 23 For Women’s Day 2009, SHSviews is publishing an interview with Pier Ferdinando Casini, which took place just before his term came to an end as President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in October 2008. Asked to explain the role played in promoting human rights by this organization which brings together more than 150 parliaments around the world, he stressed that the participation of women in political life is changing political priorities in the world and asserts a strong belief that: “There can be no democracy without a genuine partnership between men and women in the conduct of public policies”. More...
in SHSviews 22 Winner of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 2008, the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa is among those “think tanks” that seek to throw light on policy decisions within the social and human sciences. Fanie du Toit, Executive Director of the Institute, answers questions from SHSviews. More...
in SHSviews 21 A true global forum collecting opinions and suggestions from NGOs on the priorities of action by the United Nations, the annual NGO conference will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 3 to 5 September 2008. On the eve of this important meeting, the President of the International Conference of the 310 NGOs accredited to UNESCO invites us to review human rights in terms of universality and globalization. Bernard Loing considers NGOs as “the cornerstone of civil society” and asserts that they must play a larger role in world governance. More...
in SHSviews 20 Former Minister of Public Service and Labour of Rwanda, Sylvie Kayitesi Zaïnabo, Chairman of the Rwandan Commission for Human Rights was elected head of the Network of African National Institutions for Human Rights in 2007.
In her interview she discusses human rights in Africa as well as the situation of refugees and displaced persons, victims of internal conflict which undermines the continent and puts the population at risk, preventing them from living in harmony and peace. Sylvie Kayitesi Zaïnabo invites everyone to fight against poverty, seen as a denial of human rights, in order to give the most needy access to food, a decent dwelling, education and health facilities. More...
in SHSviews 19 As the world commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Director-General of UNESCO stresses the crucial role that the Organization has played and will continue to play in the promotion of the principles enshrined in the Declaration. He also clarifies the role of the social and human sciences in the new medium-term strategy of the Organization, particularly with respect to dealing with the ethical and social dimensions of such trends as globalization and climate change. More...
in SHSviews 18 In this interview, the Director-General of the International Labour Organization stresses the challenge of making work decent for all. According to him, the international labour crisis is one of the greatest current security threats and should be everybody’s business. More...
in SHSviews 17 From the urgent need to halt the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa, through empowerment of women, to fostering economic and social development in Africa, the Mayor of Nairobi, Kenya, reveals to SHSviews his observations on the struggle of the brand new African Coalition of Cities against Racism and Discrimination. More...
in SHSviews 16 One chairs the International Bioethics Committee (IBC). The other is a judge, adviser to the Moroccan Minister of Justice, and the first woman from an Arab State to have been appointed to the International Committee against Torture. Both have fought for human rights for many years, each on the basis of her own history, convictions and personality. To mark International Women’s Day 2007, SHSviews interviews two eminent Moroccans: Nouzha Guessous-Idrissi and Saadia Belmir. More...
in SHSviews 15 The fact that several thousand community activists, researchers and decision-makers will be gathering in Nairobi, Kenya, from 20 to 25 January 2007, to take part in the seventh World Social Forum (WSF) to reaffirm that ‘another world is possible’, led SHS Views to interview French economist and sociologist, Alain Caillé, on whether he thought the present state of the world was conducive to such a possibility. More...
in SHSviews 14 Burkina Faso’s Minister for the Promotion of Human Rights calls for a change in the approach to the fight against poverty as the year 2006 brings to a close the First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006). Monique Ilboudo, who trained as a lawyer, says: “until economic, social and cultural rights are given the same recognition as political and civil rights, it will be very difficult to overcome poverty”. More...
in SHSviews 13 During the preparations for the 2nd World Forum on Human Rights, SHSviews interviewed Jean-Marc Ayrault, Mayor of Nantes, Député of the Assemblée nationale and President of Greater Nantes. More...
in SHS Newsletter 12 For the Mayor of Nuremberg in Germany – Lead City of the European Coalition of Cities against Racism – in challenging the threats of racial discrimination the only recourse is to make universally applicable human rights the guideline of municipal politics by strengthening cooperation among cities at international level, and in mobilizing city dwellers, particularly young people, who will soon hold positions of responsibility in our societies. More...
in SHS Newsletter 11 Zola S. Skweyiya, Minister for Social Development of the Republic of South Africa, is the new Chairperson of UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations Programme (MOST) Intergovernmental Council. MOST is organizing the International Forum on the Social Science – Policy Nexus (IFSP), which will take place in Argentina and Uruguay in February 2006. More...
in SHS Newsletter 10 On her visit to UNESCO in 2005, we interviewed Zahira Kamal, at that time Minister of Women’s Affairs of the Palestinian National Authority, on her experience as a women’s activist and politician and on the role of women in Palestinian society. Currently, she is the Director of the Palestinian Women's Research and Documentation Center. More...
in SHS Newsletter 09 Daniel Filmus, former Argentina’s Minister of Education, Science and Technology, is also sociologist. On one of his visits to UNESCO, we interviewed him on the role of the social sciences in shaping public policy, and on the International Forum on the Social Science – Policy Nexus which took place simultaneously in Argentina and Uruguay from 20 to 24 February 2006. More...
in SHS Newsletter 08 Michèle Jean, Canada’s former Deputy Minister of Health (1993-98), is Chairperson of UNESCO’s International Bioethics Committee (IBC). She is a historian and has acquired a wealth of experience in the field of ethics in science, particularly as member of the International Institute of Research in Ethics and Biomedicine (IIREB). In this interview, Mme Jean talks about the development of bioethics and of the latest initiative to be launched by UNESCO in this field: the drafting of a declaration relating to universal norms on bioethics. More...
in SHS Newsletter 07 Bangladeshi writer and journalist, Taslima Nasrin, has received the 2004 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence. The acceptance speech Taslima Nasrin gave at the ceremony held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 16 November 2004, is reproduced here. More...
in SHS Newsletter 06 This year, Barcelona is the capital of cultures. From 9 May to 26 September 2004, the city is organizing the International Forum of Cultures, in which UNESCO is one of the main partners. Joan Clos, Mayor of Barcelona, here tells us more about the Forum, and about the increasing role of cities in the promotion of democracy and human rights. More...
in SHS Newsletter 05 Author of Thinking the Unthinkable: the Immigration Myth Exposed, Nigel Harris advocates the free movement of people, pointing out that migration benefits both the recipient countries and the migrants’ home countries. More...
in SHS Newsletter 04 President of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (1998-2003) and organizer of the 21st World Congress of Philosophy, Turkish philosopher Ioanna Kuçuradi is a leading personality in the world community of contemporary thinkers. She is also known for her efforts to promote human rights and human rights education both in Turkey and internationally. More...
in SHS Newsletter 03 Thomas Pogge, philosopher and professor at Columbia University (USA), has dedicated a major part of his work to the fight against poverty and written several books on this issue. He is currently participating in the UNESCO project “Ethical and Human Rights Dimensions of Poverty: Towards a New Paradigm in the Fight Against Poverty”. More...
in SHS Newsletter 02 Arab Israeli, archimandrite of the Greek-Catholic Church and principal of St Joseph’s College in Nazareth since 1976, Father Shufani strives to include democratic values and dialogue in his teaching. His project “Memory for Peace” recently earned him the 2003 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education. More...
in SHS Newsletter 01 Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former United Nations Secretary General (1992-1996), chaired the International Panel on Democracy and Development (IPDD) set up by UNESCO in 1998. Under his direction, the Panel has just published a report which provides fresh evidence that helps one to understand this complex subject. Here, he gives his frank opinion on the conditions that need to be met for a truly democratic form of development to emerge. More...
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