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Call for nominations for the UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights 2008: the deadline for submission of proposals deferred to 30 October 2008
Originally scheduled for 15 September 2008, submission of applications is extended until 30 October 2008 at midnight.

2008-09-11 12:00 pm

Thanks to a generous endowment from the City of Bilbao (Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, Spain), this prize follows on from, and enlarges the scope of, the UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Education, established in 1978. It rewards outstanding contributions made by organizations and individuals to the cause of human rights through means of education and research, as well as awareness-raising among decision-makers and the general public.

The winner will receive a diploma, a trophy and a monetary award, which exact amount will be determined at the beginning of the awarding process.

The name of the prize-winner will be announced in November 2008 and the award ceremony will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on or around 10 December - Human Rights Day.

Nominations shall be submitted by Member States, in consultation with their National Commissions, as well by non-governmental organizations maintaining formal consultative relations with UNESCO, especially those dealing with human rights.

The nomination form must be completed in either English or French and should reach UNESCO no later than 30 October 2008.

It should be sent directly to Mr Vladimir Volodine, Secretary of the Prize (UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15; tel: (33) 01 45 68 38 45, fax: (33) 01 45 68 57 26; e-mail: v.volodine@unesco.org; Cc. i.zoubenko-laplante@unesco.org, a.morel@unesco.org).

The recommendation shall be concise and not exceed five standard pages. Additional material (publications, video, audio and other teaching material, etc.) may be attached to the nomination form. They will be presented to the jury and will remain at UNESCO.

Photo: View of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao © UNESCO/Niamh Burke

Related Link 1 - URL http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0016/001619/161982e.pdf

Author(s) UNESCO - Human Rights and Gender Equality Section
Keywords Bilbao, human rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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