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PROJECTS HIV & AIDS Indian & Atlantic Oceans Zanzibar - Empower youth and communities to respond to HIV and AIDs

Zanzibar - Empower youth and communities to respond to HIV and AIDs

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The goal of this project was to decrease the rate of HIV transmission among young fishermen and their wives living in the rural Western District of Unguja island.

Who's involved?

Project leaders: Alama Haji Khatib (30 years old), Harith Abdulla Mohamed

Lead organisation: Youth Self- Employment Foundation

Other organisations: Grassroots level HIV committees known as Shehia HIV committees – SHACCOMS (to provide spaces for meetings and spiritual support), youth clubs in the respective selected areas (to mobilize youth participation in various HIV interventions); Community leaders and influential people (to play a role in convincing both youth and adults to participate in the activities); Networks of people living with HIV and AIDS; Zanzibar AIDs Commission – ZAC (to provide guidelines and material support); Zanzibar AIDS Control Program – ZACP (to provide material support)

Timeframe:  February - October 2009


  • To dispel myths and misconceptions, and fight unnecessary HIV/AIDS related discrimination.
  • To empower young people, to promote their rights and to inform them about how HIV can and cannot be transmitted, and how they can protect themselves.
  • To discuss sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases more openly, as well as drug use.
  • To draw the attention of the general public and, in particular, those in positions of authority to the reality of HIV in the communities and to recognise the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS.
  • To involve more people living with HIV/AIDS in campaigns and education activities.


  • Visit 6 Shehias and perform drama shows. The shows were written and performed by Zanzibar Theatre group;
  • Use materials from the ZAC and ZACP Offices to make presentations and encourage discussion and debate before and after the shows in order to educate the out-of-school youth on HIV and AIDS;
  • Presentations by people living with HIV/AIDS;
  • Encourage participants in cooperation with trained peer educators to create their own drama shows to see what they have learnt;
  • Train 20 young fishermen or fishermen’s wives and 20 parents of fishermen within 6 Shehias of rural West district (namely Fumba, Bweleo, Dimani, Kombeni, Shakani and Maungani) as peer educators, by April, 2008.
  • Increase knowledge and skills of 400 young fishermen/fishermen’s wives on HIV prevention in order to reduce risky behaviour which leads to new HIV and AIDs infections among young fishermen in ‘high risk’ populations within 6 Shehias of rural West district (namely Fumba, Bweleo, Dimani , Kombeni ,Shakani Maungani) by May, 2008.
  • Increase knowledge and skills of 400 parents of young fishermen and 192 community members within 6 Shehias of rural West district to better communicate with their children about, and to have a common understanding of, HIV and AIDS.


  • The youth population in the Western district of Unguja improved their knowledge of HIV and AIDS and acquired various skills on how to protect themselves.


Project Proposal and workplan [PDF 79Kb]
Final report