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PROJECTS Environment Pacific Fiji - Young Leaders for a Sustainable Fiji

Fiji - Young Leaders for a Sustainable Fiji

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The project marked the launch for the Youth Parliament Alumni of Fiji with the theme of 'Young Leaders for the Sustainable Fiji'. On October 28th, 2005, 26 young people from all of the Fiji divisions took part in a training workshop where they discussed important issues and committed to 3 youth campaigns, the beginning of many more to come. Such an initiative is the first for the Pacific Region and is an important step in empowering island youth to make a difference in their communities. 

Who's involved?

Project leader: Vani Samuwai with Catherine Nisha

Lead Organisation: Ministry of Youth Employment Opportunities & Sports

Other organisations: Department of Environment; Ministry of National Planning & Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Fisheries & Ministry of Forestry ; Live & Learn Project; University of the South Pacific; Partners in Community Development Fiji; World Wide Fund for Nature; Greenpeace Pacific; SOPAC; OISCA; Secretariat of the Pacific Community; Forum Secretariat

Timeframe: September 2005 - February 2006


  • The Young Leaders will be well-versed and be well-informed on all environmental issues and governing instruments and be able to take responsible for their actions as agents of change in their communities, villages, youth groups and schools.
  • The Young Leaders will continue to create the 'multiplier effect' by sharing and advocating what they learnt in one week with their peers, friends, families and with those they come into contact with.
  • The issues on environment is one that the young people tend to be ignorant -about because of the over-riding youth issues such as HIV/AIDS, unemployment, crime but do not understand that all these issues are inter-related and the need to treat the environment issue as an urgent issue thus this workshop will provide this.
  • To raise awareness on environmental issues amongst the young leaders from Global, Regional and at National level.
  • To raise awareness on International, Regional and National governing instruments regarding the environment that are in place particularly the Rio Declaration on Environment & Development and Agenda 21 where Chapter 25 focuses on the contribution of children and youth and the Barbados Programme of Action, also what will transpire in Mauritius and with our current Fiji National Environment Act.
  • To instill in the lives of these young leaders the need to conserve the environment and promote sustainable development so that there is a better future for all.


  • Conduct a one-day workshop for 100 leaders who are past participants of the National Youth Parliament Programme which will culminate in the launch of the first ever Fiji Youth Parliament Alumni of the Fiji Islands
  • During the workshop facilitate the discussions and group work on activities of the Alumni for the next two years to focus on environmental issues and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention
  • Elect 10 participants for the Steering Committee for the next two years; one young leader will be nominated by the Alumni to represent them at the National Youth Advisory Board
  • Facilitate the young leaders in organizing and documenting 2 clean-up campaigns and 1 HIV/AIDS prevention campaign by January 2006
  • Conduct a survey of 20 young leaders who participated in the workshop to determine: a) how they envision the Youth Parliament Alumni; b) name three ways that environmental issues can be addressed by the Alumni; c) name three ways that HIV prevention issues can be addressed by the Alumni.
  • Provide photographs and 60 minutes video coverage of the workshop and clean-up campaigns.
  • Publicize the workshop and clean-up campaigns through local radio, television and newspapers.
  • Investigate and report on ways of making the clean-up campaigns regular events possibly with local support


Final report [PDF]

