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Phase 1: Preparatory Activities

(uniquement disponible en anglais)

During 2004, young people started with preparatory activities such as meetings, internet discussion forums, an art competition, poetry and essay competitions, to begin to prepare their positions on the three broad project themes: 

  • Life and love in islands - island lifestyles and cultures
  • My island home - safeguarding island environments
  • Money in my pocket - economic and employment opportunities

During the interregional preparatory meeting for the review of the SIDS Programme of Action, held in The Bahamas from the 26th to 30th January 2004, Bahamian youth conducted their own visioning for island living consultation. This provided valuable insight for the larger activity in Mauritius in January 2005. A Caribbean regional preparatory meeting for Youth Visioning was held in St. Lucia from 25th to 27th October, 2004 in collaboration with OECS. A full report of this meeting was produced.

Also, during 2004, countries selected delegates to go to a Youth Visioning event in Mauritius, 7-12th January 2005.

The discussions on the Small Islands Voice youth internet forum were particularly useful in preparing some background ideas. A document was prepared summarizing the major discussion lines and this was distributed to the youth delegates in Mauritius.