Our mission is to bring support and innovative solutions to the challenges ministries of education and governments face in the complex task of improving quality and relevance of their curriculum, teaching, learning, and assessment processes and outcomes.
Within the framework of the SDGs and aligned with UNESCO strategy, we provide an unparalleled range of international services and products. Our services include: strategic advice; technical assistance tailored to specific country needs; short- and long-term capacity development; and cutting-edge research and knowledge. We thrive to address themes that are highly relevant at local, regional, and global levels including, among others: basic competencies such as literacy, numeracy, and life skills; new technologies, sustainable human development, peace, security and disaster risk reduction; development of basic competencies in early grades, working especially with those who are most vulnerable and at risk, such as girls.
For the period 2012-2017, the overall goal is to enhance the quality of student learning by promoting and supporting excellence in curriculum processes and products. Within the context of this overall goal, the main objectives of the IBE are to: