The first stop for education data
From pre-primary school enrolment to tertiary graduation rates, the UIS is the leading
source for international education statistics. Covering more than 200 countries
and territories, the
UIS database covers all education levels and addresses key policy issues
such as gender parity, teachers and financing.
The UIS does not just produce data – we analyze our indicators in order to provide the information needed for effective policymaking. The UIS produces a series of analytical publications, such as the annual Global Education Digest, regional reports, as well as thematic reports on education finance, for example. The UIS is also the main source of education data for leading reports and databases, such as the:
... and many others.
The UIS also develops new indicators to monitor emerging issues in education policymaking. For example, there has been dramatic expansion and diversification of secondary education systems around the world. To help governments monitor the effects of these changes, the UIS has devised a methodology to track the number of out-of-school adolescents. This type of methodological work entails close consultation with a wide range of governments and international partners. Examples include global projections on the demand for and supply of teachers, as well as a series of indicators to track the flows, origins and destinations of internationally mobile tertiary students.
| | ACER and UNESCO join forces for international cooperation in education |
Following years of cooperative work in global education monitoring, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) has been admitted to Partner status with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). |
| | UIS launches eAtlas for Education 2030 |
The new eAtlas for Education 2030 brings together all available data to monitor the Sustainable Development Goal on education (SDG 4). Through a series of interactive maps, it presents the global and thematic indicators for each SDG 4 target as well as ‘placeholders’ for indicators not yet available. |
| | 263 million children and youth are out of school |
According to new UIS data, about 263 million children and youth are out of school. The total includes 61 million children of primary school age, 60 million of lower secondary school age, and includes the first ever estimate of those of upper secondary school age at 142 million. |
| | What it takes to get education data right |
The demand for globally-comparable data is on the rise. Our new video illustrates how we produce data for education monitoring and the challenges ahead for measuring the Education 2030 agenda. |
| | Measuring early childhood education and care |
The inclusion of early childhood development in SDG 4, as Target 4.2, recognises the tremendous potential of early childhood to set the foundation for lifelong learning and well-being. But there are major challenges to meeting and measuring this target on a global scale. |
| | Meet the Education 2030 Data: Indicator 4.1.1 |
How can we assess the extent to which learners across the world have acquired a minimum set of competencies necessary for lifelong learning? Indicator 4.1.1 addresses the question, but the answer is a work in progress. |
| | Technical Cooperation Group to support the implementation of the Education 2030 indicator framework |
Experts from governments, multilateral agencies and civil society are laying the groundwork for supporting the implementation of global and thematic indicators to monitor the Sustainable Development Goal for education. |
| | First meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning |
Learning assessment experts, decisionmakers, donors and civil society organisations met in Washington, D.C. on 11 May to address the critical lack of comparable data needed to measure even the most basic reading and numeracy skills across countries. |
| | Getting down to business: The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning |
UIS Director, Silvia Montoya and Claudia Costin, Senior Director for Education at the World Bank, outline the work ahead for the new Alliance formed to support the development and implementation of SDG education targets related to learning outcomes. |
Education 2030 IndicatorsThe UIS is working with partners to recommend a range of indicators to monitor the post-2015 education goals. Out-of-School ChildrenA global initiative to provide the data on the number of children excluded from education. Gender & EducationThe UIS produces indicators disaggregated by sex to measure the progress of girls and women in education. TeachersConsult UIS data on the characteristics, training and working conditions of teachers around the world. Education FinanceA special project to improve the quality of these data in sub-Saharan Africa. Higher EducationTracking trends in tertiary education at the global, regional and national levels. Regional Data CollectionsTo better meet the rising demand for data, the UIS works with regional partners to develop new indicators and data collections designed to support programme design and policy making to improve the quality of education. ISCED ClassificationComplete information on the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). Global Education DigestEach year the UIS publishes the Global Education Digest presenting the latest education statistics worldwide. |
| UNESCO e-AtlasesExplore the latest data on Gender, Teachers and Out-of-school children in maps, graphs and ranking tables. |
| Data CentreBuild your own statistical tables using the UIS database. |
| Interactive DataInteractive data products to explore critical findings on global education. |
| Fact SheetsStatistical overviews of key education issues. |
| GlossaryDefinitions and translations of statistical terms and indicators. |