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La source officielle des données sur l'alphabétisme
LAMP - Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme
LAMP - Programme d'évaluation et de suivi de l'alphabétisation
Literacy assessments underway in several countries
Evaluations de l'alphabétisme en cours dans plusieurs pays
Adult and Youth Literacy
Alphabétisme des adultes et des jeunes
Launch of 2012 survey on literacy and educational attainment
Lancement de l'enquête de 2012 sur les statistiques d’alphabétisme et du niveau de scolarisation
Literacy and Education Data for the school year ending in 2010
Données sur l'éducation et l'alphabétisation pour l'année scolaire 2010
International Literacy Day 2012
Adult and Youth Literacy Projections
Journée international de l’alphabétisation 2012
Journée internationale de l’alphabétisation 2013
International Literacy Data 2014
Données internationales sur l’alphabétisme 2014
Literacy Data Show persistant gender gap
L'écart persiste entre les taux d’alphabétisation des hommes et des femmes
International Literacy Day 2015
Données internationales de l’alphabétisation 2015
Literacy data release 2016
Publication des données 2016 sur l’alphabétisme
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Home > Literacy Accueil

The official source of literacy data 


The UIS is responsible for monitoring international literacy targets associated with Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Our literacy statistics are considered the standard for benchmarking progress globally and are featured in diverse reports, such as the EFA Global Monitoring Report, the World Development Indicators and the Human Development Report.


The UIS Data Centre contains literacy rates for youth and adults in more than 200 countries and territories. These data are based on population censuses and sample surveys. According to the UNESCO resolution of 1958, literacy is defined as the ability to both read and write, with understanding, a simple statement related to one's everyday life.


In addition, the UIS is working with a growing number of countries to produce data on literacy skills through the Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (LAMP).  The unique design of LAMP instruments allows countries at all stages of development to measure a full range of reading and numeracy skills in diverse languages.


The UIS is a key partner in UNESCO’s Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE), which provides a framework for achieving the goals of the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD).

What's New?

New literacy data now available in the UIS Data Centre
New data indicate there are 758 million adults 15 years and older who still cannot read or write a simple sentence. Roughly two-thirds of them are female.
Literacy day of reckoning

To mark International Literacy Day UIS Director, Silvia Montoya, and OECD Deputy Director for Education and Skills, Andreas Schleicher, call for a day of reckoning on literacy policymaking and measurement. Read more on Global Partnership for Education blog.

International Literacy Day 2015
There are still 757 million adults including 115 million youths who cannot read or write a simple sentence. Explore the interactive literacy map to see which countries are most affected.
New regional profiles on literacy
How does your region compare with others in terms of literacy rates? Consult our new regional profiles that present literacy rates by age and gender. Available in English and French, these electronic profiles are automatically updated to ensure that users have the most recent data available.

The UIS and Literacy

International Goals

The UIS is the official data source to monitor Education for All and related targets of the Millennium Development Goals.

LAMP - Literacy assessment

Learn more about the Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (LAMP), which is uniquely designed to measure reading and numeracy skills in countries at all stages of development.

Literacy Resources

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