Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today congratulated countries on the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, calling it a “major step forward in building a world of prosperity and dignity for all.”

In a statement issued by his spokesperson, Mr. Ban said the landmark agreement –  reached last night after months of intense negotiations – revitalizes the global partnership for development and “establishes a strong foundation” for the new sustainable development agenda which is set to be adopted in September in New York.

“[The Addis Ababa Action Agenda] points the way for all stakeholders for smart investments in people and the planet where they are needed, when they are needed and at the scale they are needed,” the statement reads.

The Conference, which ends today, is the first of three crucial events this year that can set the world on an unprecedented path to a prosperous and sustainable future. Its outcome provides a strong foundation for countries to finance and adopt the proposed sustainable development agenda in New York in September, and to reach a binding agreement at the UN climate negotiations in Paris in December that will reduce global carbon emissions.

“Member States have now passed this first hurdle,” the statement said. “Now we must work even harder for a successful Summit on sustainable development in September in New York and for a meaningful agreement on climate change in December in Paris. Let us keep ambition high and work to realize the great potential of 2015 to be a year of transformation in leaving no one behind and ensuring lives of dignity for all.”