Networks & Partnerships

Our involvement in regional and local networks add value to many of the Institute’s activities and are essential in linking global knowledge to local sector agendas, and for improving North–South and South–South collaboration. Key partnerships & networks are listed below.

DGIS UNESCO-IHE Programmatic Cooperation

DUPC is the programmatic cooperation between the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNESCO-IHE, also called the DGIS UNESCO-IHE Programmatic Cooperation (DUPC). By the end of 2014, DUPC funded 103 activities, involving over 85 partner institutes from almost 40 developing countries and countries in transition and around 30 institutes from developed countries, including at least 15 from The Netherlands. The cooperation between DGIS and UNESCO-IHE is continuing as DUPC2 for the period 2015 to 2019.

The objective of DUPC2 is to achieve stronger tangible impacts on development challenges and obtain a more diversified funding by strengthening the capacity of UNESCO-IHE strategic partners in developing and transition countries to provide problem-oriented research and education relevant to environmental and water development challenges at different scales, stronger involvement of and sharing of knowledge with non-academic partners, and better facilitation of the internal learning process of best approaches of addressing water and development challenges through partnership building.

Visit the Global Partnership: DGIS UNESCO-IHE Programmatic Cooperation 2016-2020 (DUPC) website for more information.

The ADB UNESCO-IHE Knowledge Partnership

In November 2011, a partnership agreement was signed between the Asian Development Bank and UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education. This partnership, which will initially run for 33 months, will manage a fund of 2.5 million USD, made available from the ADB-administered Netherlands Trust Fund under the Water Financing Partnership Facility.

The aim of this partnership agreement is to support water operations in ADB's Developing Member Countries (DMCs) by providing expert guidance during project preparation and implementation, and on developing and implementing Education, Training and Capacity Development, to support Knowledge Networking programs and to strengthen regional Knowledge Networking among (DMC) clients, partners and Knowledge hubs.

Visit the ADB UNESCO-IHE knowledge partnership website for more information.

VIA Water

VIA Water aims to identify innovative solutions for water problems facing cities in seven African countries: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda and South Sudan. It is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and just started operating after a thorough research process to identify the most pressing water needs in African cities.

Since the programme is hosted by UNESCO-IHE, VIA Water has a wealth of knowledge right at their home base, and extended this through research into the specific focus countries. All of this culminated into a list of twelve specific pressing needs to which VIA Water will be directing their attention in the coming years. Read more on the VIA Water website.

Support to regional networks

The Institute maintains close working relationships with many regional and local networks that it has helped set up. These networks were born as platforms to transfer scientific and technical expertise, to strengthen the capacity of water professionals and institutions, and to share regional knowledge and solutions.

After years of collaboration, these regional networks have developed into professional communities that encourage joint research, knowledge sharing and the development of sustainable water solutions.

Examples of these networks include WaterNet (Southern Africa), the Nile Basin Capacity Building Network (NBCBN), the Collaborative Knowledge Network Indonesia (CKNet-INA), the Arab Integrated Water Resources Management Network (AWARENET, Arab region) and the Latin American Water Education and Training Network (LAWETNET, Latin America).

Cooperation with the Dutch water sector

The Institute has a long tradition of collaboration with water sector institutions in the Netherlands. It is a partner of Valorisation Programme Delta technology and water, which brings together the leading research institutions in the area, including Deltares, Delft University of Technology and TNO.

The Institute is a member of the Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE), a joint venture of the environmental research institutes of nine Dutch universities. In addition, the Institute participates in several relevant Dutch and European research networks, including the Boussinesq Center for Hydrology, the Netherlands Centre for River Studies (NCR), and the Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (NCK). The Institute works closely with national knowledge centres such as TNO and the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.

Also the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (NMP), and the Association of Water Boards (UVW) are in UNESCO-IHE's network.

The Institute works in collaboration with several (former in-house) partners:

  • The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP), to foster multi-stakeholder cooperation in support of development;
  • The International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC), to improve access to and the use of knowledge in the water and sanitation sector, and building the knowledge-sharing capacity of resource centres; and
  • Co-operative Programme on Water and Climate (CPWC)

All of these networks play a crucial role in development and implementation of national and international research agendas.

Partners in focus

  • 5 partners in Worldwide
    • Cap-Net

      Cap-Net is an international network for capacity building in sustainable water management. It is made up of a partnership of autonomous international, regional and national institutions and networks committed to capacity building in the water sector. Networks have proven to be effective at promoting the understanding of integrated water resources management and play a key role in supporting the development of IWRM and the achievement of the MDG's.

      UNESCO-IHE and Cap-Net cooperate in joint CB activities, such as implementation of training of trainers programs and development of lecturing tools, case studies, lecture notes, etc.

      Read more about Cap-Net.

    • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

      The IAEA is the world's center of cooperation in the nuclear field. It was set up as the world´s "Atoms for Peace" organization in 1957 within the United Nations family. The Agency works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies. The IAEA's mission is guided by the interests and needs of Member States, strategic plans and the vision embodied in the IAEA Statute. Three main pillars - or areas of work - underpin the IAEA's mission: Safety and Security; Science and Technology; and Safeguards and Verification.

      UNESCO-IHE and the IAEA cooperate in exchange and dissemination of information, including joint publications; assistance in training and capacity building, joint educational and training courses; participation in expert missions to assess country requests for support and strengthening of research.

      Read more about the IAEA.

    • International Hydropower Association (IHA)

      IHA works to build and share knowledge on the role of hydropower in renewable energy systems, responsible fresh water management, and climate change solutions.

      UNESCO-IHE and IHA cooperate on water requirements for energy production specifically on: building consensus around classification and weighting systems, definition of concepts, classification of methodologies, collaboration in the preparation of the water and energy targets for the 6th World Water Forum and collaboration in strengthening of centres of excellence in relation to post-graduate education.

      Read more about IHA.

    • Rotary International

      Rotary’s main objective is service  in the community, in the workplace, and around the globe. The 1.2 million Rotarians who make up more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in nearly every country in the world share a dedication to the ideal of Service Above Self.

      Rotary provides scholarships for 8-16 students in MSc programs at UNESCO-IHE per year.

      Read more on Rotary International.


    • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

      WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of our planet's natural environment, and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

      UNESCO-IHE and WWF cooperate in knowledge sharing and dissemination, collaboration in pro-jects, exchange of faculty, make WWF a focal point in the UNESCO-IHE network, representation of WWF in UNESCO-IHE Board, establishment of a full-time Chair in Wise use of Freshwater Ecosystems, support by IHE to CB in the frame of WWF activities (in particular the Living Waters Basin Pro-gramme)

      Read more about WWF

  • 9 partners in East Asia and Pacific
    • ASEM Water Resources Research and Development Center, China

      The ASEM Water Resources Research and Development Center founded in China, is a permanent research and development organization in water S&T cooperation under the framework of ASEM mechanism, which has been running smoothly for 15 years. The major objectives of the Center are to cultivate an effective mechanism, a high-quality work team and a well-established platform in water resources research and development, and gradually make it a multi-facets one, i.e. the center for Asian-European S&T research and coordination with international influence and charisma, the center of policy recommendations and technological consultations, the center of technological training and exchange, the R&D and test center for new products, and the demonstration & extension center for research achievements.


      Read more of ASEM

    • Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

      The Asian Institute of Technology promotes technological change and sustainable development in the Asian-Pacific region through higher education, research and outreach. Established in Bangkok in 1959, AIT has become a leading regional postgraduate institution and is actively working with public and private sector partners throughout the region and with some of the top universities in the world.

      UNESCO-IHE and AIT collaborate in developing joint educational programmes, establishing transfer of credit systems and facilitating mobility of students. The intension is to conduct joint research projects, share knowledge and encourage staff exchange. Making AIT a PoWER member is also an objective.

      Read more about AIT.

    • Hohai University

      Hohai University, founded in 1915, wins its worldwide reputation for research and study of water conservancy. Hohai University’s mission is to make a significant contribution towards a sustainable society of the twenty-first century by conducting groundbreaking scientific and technological research concerning water conservancy which is acknowledged as world-class academic achievement, by providing various stages of courses and by helping to convert knowledge into technological innovations and activities with both economic and social values.

      UNESCO-IHE and Hohai University have arrangements for joint international master with specialisation in hydroinformatics, coastal engineering and port development and hydrology and water resources.

      Read more about Hohai University.

    • Huaihe River Commission

      The Huaihe River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources are responsible of management agencies of Huaihe river basin and Shandong Peninsula area.

      UNESCO-IHE and HRC cooperate in implementation of MSc research projects in flood forecasting and management.

      Read more about HRC.

    • International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM)

      ICHARM aims to serve as the Centre of Excellence to provide and assist implementation of best practicable strategies to localities, nations, regions, and the globe to manage the risk of water related disasters.

      UNESCO-IHE and ICHARM jointly develop post-graduate education in the field of climate change, including guest lecturing in each others programs, developing e-learning and tailor-made modules. Joint research in the context of Climate Change, including research on the ‘flood vulnerability index’, early warning systems for floods, and possibly on the development of a ‘climate index’.

      Read more about ICHARM.

    • Korea Water Resources Cooperation (K-water)

      Since its establishment in 1967, K-water has been implementing national water resources management policies regarding multi purpose dams, water supply dams and regional water supply systems. It is also making a great contribution toward the development of the national economy and improving the quality of life for local people.

      UNESCO-IHE and K-water exchange faculty, joint research, share information and develop joint capacity development projects in Asia. In addition, UNESCO-IHE trains K-water staff in MSc/PhD and tailored short courses.

      Read more of K-water.

    • Mekong River Commission (MRC)

      Since its establishment in 1995, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) has strived to develop work programmes and strategies that best serve its mission to provide effective support for sustainable management and development of water and related resources. Over the years, with a vision to bring about an economically prosperous, socially just and environmentally sound Mekong River Basin, they have placed regional cooperation and basin-wide planning at the heart of their operation.

      UNESCO-IHE provides short courses through the MRC training programme, MSc training on cost sharing basis, technical assistance and capacity development in the Mekong region.

      Read more on the Mekong River Commission

    • Sejong University

      Since its founding in 1940, Sejong University has been committed to excellence in education, research, and service. Furthermore, years of this endeavor have resulted in one of Korea’s most distinguished and prominent academic institutions. Housing some of the world’s finest thinkers Sejong University, its faculty, and its students have become international leaders of interdisciplinary research and scholarship.

      UNESCO-IHE and Sejong University work on collaborative research and academic exchange.

      Read more about Sejong University.

    • The Honor Power Foundation (HPF)

      Initiated by Mr. Christopher Chuang in 1999, Honor Power Foundation's registration in BVI was approved in 2002 as a righteous organization. Honor Power Foundation (HPF) is based on the vision of “Honor Power” returning to a pure and sacred place by making the earth sustainable, building a homeland livable, propagating values of coexistence, advancing harmony and welfare for all. Enhancing the awareness of public to purify self and protect the nature is an effective way to form positive collective energy to prevent the world from catastrophes. HPF is expanding partnership with global influential organizations and institutes in circles of environment protection, civilization protection, economic development and exchange for creating a prosperous, interdependent, and harmonious society. 

      UNESCO-IHE and HPF cooperate in research fund for sustainability of water resources and environment in China to sponsor one 1 week visit per year of an IHE expert to China, co-sponsor two visiting researchers per year from partner institutes in China for three months research at IHE and co-sponsor one PhD candidate.

      Read more about HPF.

  • 4 partners in Northern America
    • Florida Earth Foundation

      Florida Earth Foundation’s mission is to bring people together through education,  public outreach, and facilitation to ensure the future integrity of Florida’s environment and quality of life.

      UNESCO-IHE and FEF cooperate in joint development and delivery of the “Modelling Course for Hydroinformatics” on an annual basis. This course is part of the regular HI MSc programme at IHE. Students follow this module partially in Delft, partially in Florida.

      Read more about FEF.

    • Nebraska University

      The University of Nebraska–Lincoln, chartered in 1869, is an educational institution of international stature. UNL is listed by the Carnegie Foundation within the "Research Universities (very high research activity)" category. UNL is a land-grant university and a member of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

      UNESCO-IHE and Nebraska University work together on the development of a joint MSc in water for food, short courses, study tours and collaborative research on water for food topics.

      Read more about the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

    • University of Arizona

      The University of Arizona is established in 1885. The university has two medical schools, produces graduates who are real-world ready through its 100% Student Engagement initiative. Recognized as a global leader and ranked 16th for the employability of its graduates, the UA is also a leader in research, bringing more than $580 million in research investment each year, and ranking 19th among all public universities. The UA is advancing the frontiers of interdisciplinary scholarship and entrepreneurial partnerships, and is a member of the Association of American Universities, the 62 leading public and private research universities. It benefits the state with an estimated economic impact of $8.3 billion annually.

      UNESCO-IHE and the University of Arizona intend to promote and facilitate exchanges and collaboration with an emphasis in the field of arid zone water resources and drought management, which is of great mutual interest.

      In general, this collaboration will seek to:

      1. Identify opportunities for student instruction and mentoring at each institution.
      2. Work toward designing and implementing dual-degree programs.
      3. Identify potential graduate-level certificate program opportunities.
      4. Broaden faculty collaboration via targeted, externally-funded research projects.

      Both institutions strive to achieve further understanding of each other and will examine the feasibility of programs such as those outlined above. Detailed addenda on specific cooperative programs shall be determined after common agreement.

      Read more about UA

    • US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

      The US Army Corps of Engineers deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen their Nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters. Their vision is engineering solutions for their Nation’s toughest challenges.

      UNESCO-IHE and the US Army Corps of Engineers cooperate in water resources management and coastal zone management with a focus on flood control, infrastructure development, environmental engineering, water policy and educational methods and systems. Further their is among both partners a staff exchange, guest-lectures, capacity building in Middle East / post-war zones and e-learning.

      Read more about the US Army Corps of Engineers

  • 9 partners in Latin America and the Caribbean
    • Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII)

      Their view is being a key player in the ongoing construction of an equitable, democratic and competitive knowledge-based and innovation as pillars of sustainable development through the implementation of public policies in research and innovation. The mission for ANII is to run political-strategic guidelines of State for Research and Innovation promoting, coordinating and strengthening the capacities of the National Innovation System to achieve productive and social development of the country.

      UNESCO-IHE and ANII cooperate to identify opportunities to conduct joint educational activities and capacity building activities.

      Read more about ANII.

    • Cinara Institute

      Cinara is a Research and Development Institute in Water Supply, Environmental Sanitation and Water Resources Conservation, based at the Faculty of Engineering at the Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. It is widely recognized within the water supply and environmental sanitation sector in Colombia, as well as in other Latin American countries.

      UNESCO-IHE has become a virtual information and training center in the region. In the last 20 years a number of successful projects, dozens of trained staff, the exchange of professional academic staff, useful education products, but also presentations at international conferences and numerous scientific and academic cooperation and publications can be counted as successful results of this collaboration. UNESCO-IHE assisted in the development of the Sanitary Engineering programme, for instance, that has now developed into a doctoral programme. Dr. Pena looks forward to jointly look for funding opportunities and new partnerships and is optimistic and committed to expand this partnership even further to create a larger sustainable impact.

      Read more about Cinara.

    • Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM)

      The Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies is a government agency of the Colombian Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Regional Development. It is in charge of producing and managing the scientific and technical information on the environment of Colombia, and its territorial composition.[2] The IDEAM also serves as the Colombian institute of meteorology and studies the climate of Colombia.

      UNESCO-IHE, Deltares and IDEAM share knowledge and capacity development in the areas of flood risk management, integrated water resources manage-ment, climate change, prediction models and early warning systems.

      Read more of IDEAM.

    • Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua (IMTA)

      Their mission is to produce, instill, and disseminate knowledge and technology for the sustainable management of water in Mexico. Their vision is to be a leading, world-class institution that fosters the transformation of the water sector and furthers the sustainable management of water resources in their country.

      UNESCO-IHE and IMTA cooperate to identify opportunities for IMTA students to participate in UNESCO-IHE MSc and PhD programmes, conduct short courses and develop ideas for joint capacity development activities in Mexico and the Central America region.

      Read more about IMTA.

    • The Ecuadorian National Water Secretariat (SENAGUA)

      SENAGUA conducts comprehensive and integrated management of water resources throughout the country through policies, standards, control and management devolved to generate an efficient use and management of water use. Vision Ensure compliance with civil rights enshrined in the Constitution, relating to fair and equitable access to the use, development and conservation of water sources in the country.

      This partnership consists of a channel of permanent collaboration between both parties for the joint execution of plans, projects and activities related to the sustainable use of water resources, the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters and, in general, the transfer of knowledge for the integral use of water resources in Ecuador.

      Read more about SENAGUA.

    • UNESCO-HidroEx

      Their vision is to contribute to resolving the burgeoning water crises that threatens the world as a whole, with a special focus on Latin America and Portuguese-speaking Africa, by helping to train the next generation of water leaders, promising a time when water resources are shared in an equitable fashion and managed in a sustainable context. Their mission is to implement world-class education, research and capacity development programs pursuant to the guidelines established in the International Hydrological Program in the broad context of sustainable use of water resources through regional and international actions.

      UNESCO-IHE and UNESCO-HidroEx cooperate in strengthening HidroEx and VERdeMinas as education and research institutions and to develop joint activities of education (e.g. online course) and research in the field of hydro-resource management.

      Read more about UNESCO-HidroEx.

    • Universidad del Valle (UniValle)

      Universidad del Valle is one of Colombia’s three most important public universities and the most important in the south western region of the country. Located in the City of Cali, Universidad del Valle stands out for its academic excellence in the fields of Health, Humanities, Sciences, Arts, Economics and Social Studies, Business and Engineering, along with developments in the areas of scientific and applied technological research.

      UNESCO-IHE and Universidad del Valle have a cooperation in further strengthening UniValle through staff development and assistance in maintaining the quality of water MSc programs at UniValle. Also work-out joint initiatives as follow-up to PoWER, SWITCH and the NPT Guatemala project, and develop joint education programs, notably in Hydro-informatics and WSS. Also be partners in capacity building projects in the Latin American and Caribbean Region.

      Read more about Universidad del Valle (UniValle)

    • Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

      USP, a major institution of higher learning and research in Brazil, is responsible for educating a large part of Brazilian Masters and Ph.D’s. On their site, you can find information about their structure, ways of entrance and services offered to the foreign community.

      UNESCO-IHE and USP have a cooperation in research, in particular exchange of PhD students, joint delivery of short courses and joint implementation of CB projects. 

      Read more about USP.

    • Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

      UNESCO-IHE and Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) cooperate to find support for exchange of faculty, joint research, information sharing, guest-lecturing, exchange of students.

      Read more about UFMG.

  • 12 partners in Middle East and North Africa
    • Abbaspour University of Technology (PWUT)

      Abbaspour is a research university in electrical power and water engineering in Iran. The University is a centre in the Middle East for short courses in power, water and energy industries—that help to enrich the professional skills and knowledge of engineers and technicians of the country.

      UNESCO-IHE and PWUT collaborate on education (joint programs, exchange in staff and students, curriculum and teaching materials), development of joint research and capacity development activities.

      Read more of PWUT.

    • Addis Ababa University (AAU), Ethiopia

      Addis Ababa University (AAU), which was established in 1950 as the University College of Addis Ababa (UCAA), is the oldest and the largest higher learning and research institution in Ethiopia. Since its inception, the University has been the leading center in teaching-learning, research and community services.


      Read more about the Addis Ababa University

    • Ain Shams University

      Ain Shams University seeks to achieve excellence in the field of higher education and scientific research at the local, regional and global in a climate of independence, freedom, democracy, equality and contribute to the service of society and achieve sustainable development.

      UNESCO-IHE and Ain Shams University have a agreement for a  joint programme in WSE, specialisation in agricultural water management for arid and semi-Arid climates.

      Read more about Ain Shams University.

    • American University of Technology (AUT), Lebanon

      American University of Technology was established in 1998 and received the first presidential decree number 2143 on July 14, 2000 then decree number 846 on January 18, 2008.The Fidar campus located on the Byblos highway and built on an area of 23000 square meters,is undergoing a major expansion. It is convenient for students coming from North Metn, Kesrwan, Byblos and the North. Work to add 4 buildings started in April 2001.


      Read more of American University of Technology

    • An-Najah University, Palestine

      An-Najah National University is a vibrant hub of learning which nourishes science, knowledge and understanding. An-Najah offers undergraduate instruction in the fields of Medicine, Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences and the Natural Sciences, as well as numerous courses of graduate study in the humanities and the social sciences.

      Since it was chartered as a full-fledged university in 1977, An-Najah has promoted the acquisition of modern knowledge whilst remaining committed to the transmission and preservation of Palestinian history, heritage and culture. Today, as the largest University in Palestine, An-Najah educates over 22,000 students and is home to 13 faculties, offering numerous undergraduate and graduate specialisations.


      Read more of An-Najah University


    • Birzeit University (BZU)

      Birzeit University is a Palestinian Arab institution supervised and guided by an autonomous Board of Trustees. The university endeavors to excel in higher education, scientific research, and service to the community. Since its establishment, the university has remained committed to providing equal learning opportunities to qualified individuals and to prepare students to become good citizens active in their society and committed to its advancement and well-being.

      UNESCO-IHE and BZU cooperate by exchange of faculty, joint research, information sharing, training of Palestinian Water Authority staff and joint capacity development in the Middle East.

      Read more about Birzeit University.

    • Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI)

      The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) is the primary government agency charged with the management of water resources in Egypt. Escalating population growth, a desire for agricultural expansion, and increasing demands on surface water supply, play significant roles in water delivery capability.

      UNESCO-IHE and MWRI cooperate to make knowledge on IWRM available to people working in and for the water sector of Egypt and the Nile and Middle-East Regions. The focus is on people working with the MWRI, its research institutes, and Egyptian universities. Activities may include a training needs assessment for the entire sector, curriculum development for programs to be established at Egyptian universities, staff develop programs through degree and non-degree courses at UNESCO-IHE.

      Read more about MWRI.

    • Ministery of Water Resources Iraq

      The Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) has the mission to promote and improve water resources in Iraq, preserve the rights of Iraq in the transboundary water, maintain the surface and ground water and restore the marshlands through integrated water resources management and optimal use.

      UNESCO-IHE will collaborate with MoWR on the advancement of scientific and human resources development by assessing the needs of MoWR staff and the development of staff expertise for the purpose of improving their performance. Secondly, they will work on capacity building programmes.

      The cooperation will enhance the development of their expertise through MSc and PhD education as well as tailor-made training for the Training and Development Department of the MoWR.

      Both institutions will prepare time-bound and output focused work plans on a yearly basis through implementation units for each activity.

      Read more about the MoWR

    • National Water & Wastewater Engineering Company (NWWEC)

      NWWEC organizes the official activities of Ministry of Energy in water & wastewater affairs including the correct management, supervision and evaluate the performance, guidance and governance, increase the efficiency and operation and the optimal use of resources of subsidiaries companies in the policies of Ministry of Energy and also choosing the Ministry of Energy to do the supervision and compile the programs.

      UNESCO-IHE and NWWEC cooperate on expanding ties in the water and wastewater sector by means of training, transfer of technology and mutual cooperation.

      Read more on the NWWEC website.

    • Palestinian Water Authority (PWA)

      PWA is a public institution working on management, development and the protection of water resources in a fair, integrated and sustainable way to provide sustainable water for citizen for different uses in order to ensure the protection and development of the environment .

      Vision of the Water Authority is to enable sustainable water sources to achieve the basic and developmental needs of the Palestinian people.


      Read more of PWA

    • Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM)

      The Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM) is part of the Iran Ministry of Energy. The Regional Centre on Urban Water Management is one of the 22 Category II Centers acting under the auspices of UNESCO in the field of water management. After having an agreement signed and exchanged between the Government of I.R. Iran and UNESCO director general, it was inaugurated in February 2002 in Tehran, with the aim of confronting current challenges and improving issued related to urban water management.

      UNESCO-IHE supports RCUWM in fulfilling its tasks and establishes tripartite cooperation betweenUNESCO-IHE, RCUWM and the IHP-programme. UNESCO-IHE also assists RCUWM in validation and accreditation of their programmes.

      Read more on the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management.

    • University of Khartoum (UoK)

      The University vision is to participate, through its role in the field of higher education and scientific research, in the creation of a unified, developed and advanced Sudanese Nation. The University aspires to be independent both academically and financially, elevated in the different aspects of knowledge and to link the programs and research it offers with the requirements of permanent development in Sudan. While it maintains its position as a leading national institution, it also aspires to occupy a leading international position.

      UNESCO-IHE and UoK cooperate in research, development joint short courses, training of UoK staff at IHE, joint acquisition and implementa-tion of CB projects. 

      Read more about UoK.

  • 6 partners in Sub-Saharan Africa
    • Egerton University

      Egerton University is the premier Agricultural public University in Kenya. It has broadened to other areas of research and teaching such as Natural resources, Applied sciences, Education, Computer science, Medical sciences, Education, Engineering and Business studies.

      UNESCO-IHE and Egerton run a joint MSc programme in Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems. The partnership also includes upgrading research facilities at Egerton University, assisting Egerton University in MSc research and supervising of PhD fellows and cooperation in regional capacity development projects.

      Read more about Egerton University.

    • Haramaya University

      Haramaya University (formerly known as Alemaya University) is one of the oldest universities in Ethiopia. The university was founded with the help of Oklahoma State University (OSU), accepting its first students in 1954. Haramaya University was promoted from a college within Addis Ababa University on May 27, 1985 to an independent university. For many years the university had been limited to only an agricultural curriculum, but in 1996 the university was given permission to open other faculties and departments.

      UNESCO-IHE and Haramaya University have a cooperation in a joint programme in WSE, specialisation in agricultural water management for arid and semi-Arid climates.

      Read more about the Haramaya University.

    • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)

      Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) provides higher education, undertake research, disseminate knowledge and foster relationships with the outside persons and bodies. 

      Their vision is stated as "Advancing knowledge in Science and Technology for sustainable development in Africa"

      Their mission is to provide an environment for teaching, research and entrepreneurship training in Science and Technology for the industrial and socio-economic development of Ghana, Africa and other nations. KNUST also offers service to community, is opened to all the people of Ghana and positioned to attract scholars, industrialists and entrepreneurs from Africa and other international communities.

      UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology have agreed to cooperate in a Joint Double Degree Masters Programme in Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation (DDWSES).

      Read more about Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)

    • National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC)

      The Vision of NWSC is “To be One of the Leading Water Utilities in the World”. The Corporate Mission is “To provide efficient and cost effective Water and Sewerage Services applying innovative managerial solutions to the delight of their Customers”.

      UNESCO-IHE and the NWSC aim at jointly implementing capacity building activities on the Sub-Saharan continent and to develop strategies for education and training of utilities in this region. Parties will explore possibilities to mobilize UNESCO-IHE alumni and NWSC staff as change agents in sector reform programs.

      Read more about NWSC.

    • Rand Water

      Rand Water is a 110 years old company and the largest bulk water utility in Africa. It is also one of the largest in the world, providing on average four billion litres of bulk potable water per day to more than 11 million people in an area that stretches over 18 000 km2. Rand Water operates the network of over 3000 km of pipelines worth three billion Euros.

      To maintain the business of that scale, the company is known for applying the latest technologies in O&M and monitoring of their assets, and has a great experience in large infrastructural investments, shared beyond the borders of RSA. In 2012, the company launched Rand Water Academy in their own effort to mitigate the shortage of qualified WATSAN experts in South Africa and the region.

      UNESCO-IHE and Rand Water work together on technical short course programmes, tailor made courses to meet client requirements, research and development projects and mentorships.

      Read more on Rand Water

    • WaterNet Trust

      The vision of WaterNet is a future in which the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has the institutional and human capacity to educate and train its own water managers, capable to contribute to the equitable sharing and sustainable utilisation of water resources for poverty alleviation, economic development (livelihood security) and environmental security.

      The mission of WaterNet is to build the regional institutional and human capacity in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) through training, education, research and outreach by harnessing the complementary strengths of member institutions in the region and elsewhere.

      UNESCO-IHE and WaterNet Trust cooperate in capacity building in integrated water resources management in Southern Africa. Objectives include 1) the strengthening of the capacity of the WaterNet Trust and its members by IHE (curriculum development, quality assurance, guest lecturing, short course delivery, upgrading facilities, etc), 2) joint education and research, including exchange of credits and lecture notes, joint publications, interactions of students in MSc and PhD programs. It is agreed that IHE will remain an active “supporting mem-ber” of WaterNet, and WaterNet will remain an active mem-ber of IHE’s Partnership for Water Education and Research.

      Read more about WaterNet Trust

  • 20 partners in Western Europe
    • Delft University of Technology

      TU Delft’s mission is to make a significant contribution towards a sustainable society for the twenty-first century by conducting groundbreaking scientific and technological research which is acknowledged as world-class, by training scientists and engineers with a genuine commitment to society and by helping to translate knowledge into technological innovations and activity with both economic and social value.

      UNESCO-IHE and TU Delft have a cooperation on joint education, joint research, joint promotions, zero-nominations, guest-lecturing and student exchange.

      Read more about the TU Delft

    • Deltares

      Deltares is an independent, institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure. Throughout the world, they work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. Their main focus is on deltas, coastal regions and river basins.

      UNESCO-IHE and Deltares cooperate in research, guest lecturing, shared part time staff, preferred partners in consortia and supervision and sponsoring of MSc and PhD research.

      Read more about Deltares.

    • Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft (DWhG)

      The German Water Historical Society (DWhG) was born on January 19, 2002 and founded in about 2000 years old Mainz. The DWhG is a non profit organization registered under their statutes in the register at the local court Siegburg. Formed by Dr.-Ing. Martin Eckoldt (+) in 1963 at the Federal Institute of Hydrology in Koblenz study the history of water engineering, water management and hydrology.

      UNESCO-IHE and DWhG coorperate to exchange information, do joint research and cooperate in developing and implementing courses on the history of water management. 

      Read more about DWhG.

    • International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC)

      IADC stands for “International Association of Dredging Companies” and is the global umbrella organisation for contractors in the private dredging industry. As such IADC is dedicated to not only promoting the skills, integrity and reliability of its members, but also the dredging industry in general. IADC has over one hundred main and associated members. Together they represent the forefront of the dredging industry.

      UNESCO-IHE and IADC cooperate to support for research and education activities in the specific area of Coastal Engineering and Port Development provided by UNESCO-IHE.

      Read more about IADC.

    • King's College London

      King's College London was founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington (then Prime Minister) in 1829 as a university college in the tradition of the Church of England. It now welcomes staff and students of all faiths and beliefs.

      King's College London is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, learning and understanding in the service of society. King's professors played a major part in nineteenth-century science and in extending higher education to women and working men through evening classes. 

      UNESCO-IHE and King’s College London, University of London, have entered into a formal partnership as they believe that mutual benefit can be derived from scholarly interaction, cultural interchange, co-operative research and other forms of academic collaboration as well as possible student and staff exchanges. The Parties see advantages in the development of strong academic links and relationships, and have agreed to establish ties of friendship and cooperation for the purpose of promoting mutual understanding and academic, cultural and personal exchange.

      Read more about KCL

    • Maastricht School of Management (MSM)

      Maastricht School of Management is a leading provider of management education with worldwide presence. Their mission is to enhance the management capacity of professionals and organizations in and for emerging economies and developing countries with the objective to substantially contribute to the development of these societies.

      MSM and UNESCO-IHE cooperate in post graduate education, research and capacity development. The partnership facilitates opportunities for students to take part in the education programme of the other party, and to join on new research and capacity building proposals.

       Read more of MSM.

    • Nederlands Centrum voor Rivierkunde (NCR)

      The Netherlands Centre for River Studies (NCR) has come about as a result of renewed societal interest in rivers, in particular concerning the transport of water, ice and sediment (protection against flooding), transport over water (accessibility) and nature preservation, recovery and development (quality of life). Such interest is reflected in policy development and planned infrastructural intervention. On an international scale, for instance, in the framework of the International Rhine Commission, the EC structure fund Interreg Rhine Meuse Action programme (IRMA), or the Word Water Forum; on a national scale, in the Fourth Policy Document on Water Management and the Fifth Policy Document on Spatial Planning. At the same time, organisations involved in these issues (from the RWS to the EU) are furthering increased expertise on rivers by means of research programmes.

      NCR has two key functions:
      - Co-operation: in which the true commitment of the afore mentioned partners is reflected,
      - platform: this function is reflected in the organisation of meetings at which expertise and experience are exchanged; other parties are very welcome to attend; examples are the yearly NCR-days and the different workshops NCR organises. 

      UNESCO-IHE and NCR cooperate in formalizing IHE's membership in the programme commission to exchange and stimulate knowledge, experiences and ideas on riparian issues. 

      Read more about NCR.

    • Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (I&M)

      The Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways, effective water management to protect against flooding, and improved air and water quality.

      UNESCO-IHE and the Ministry of I&M work together on making I&M and UNESCO-IHE expertise in water resources management available to the water sector at large. This is done via the regular degree programmes of UNESCO-IHE, tailor-made courses, support to PoWER and capacity building programs in I&M priority countries.

      Read more on the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.

    • The International Institute of Social Sciences (ISS)

      ISS is an international graduate school of policy-oriented critical social science. It brings together students and teachers from the Global South and the North in a European environment. ISS is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

      UNESCO-IHE exchange staff, perform joint research and share educational activities.

      Read more on the International Institute of Social Sciences

    • The International Spate Irrigation Network (SpN)

      The Spate Irrigation Network aims to improve the livelihoods of those living in the spate irrigated areas. It exchanges experiences and good practices, initiates and supports new programs and policies, and mainstreams education and training.
      The network consists of professionals, practitioners and farmers. At present the network has more than 400 members. 

      UNESCO-IHE and SpN cooperate in joint research, CB, and seminars in the field of flood-based irrigation.

      Read more about SpN.

    • UNEP-DHI

      The UNEP-DHI Centre is a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) centre of expertise dedicated to improving the management, development and use of freshwater resources from the local to the global level. The Centre is hosted at DHI, an independent, international consulting and research-based not-for-profit foundation of more than 1000 employees, with offices in 26 countries, and with more than 30 years of experience in water resources management. Since its inception in 1996, the Centre has become a core resource for UNEP’s work on freshwater issues and in delivering UNEP’s Programmes of Work. The Centre’s ability to draw on DHI’s expertise in water and project implementation, as well as those of a broad network of partners, is one of its greatest strengths.

      UNESCO-IHE and UNEP-DHI cooperate in post masters study support.

      Read  more about UNEP-DHI.

    • University of Amsterdam (UvA)

      A modern university with a rich history, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) traces its roots back to 1632, when the Golden Age school Athenaeum Illustre was established to train students in trade and philosophy. Today teaching and research at the UvA are conducted at seven faculties: the Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Business, Law, Science, Medicine and Dentistry, with programmes offered in almost every field. Over time, the UvA has risen to international prominence as a research university, gaining an excellent reputation in both fundamental and socially relevant research. The UvA's thriving doctoral programmes provide an excellent foundation for engaging in high-quality teaching and research.

      UNESCO-IHE and the University of Amsterdam cooperate on PhD promotions arrangements, joint research and education activities and exchange of staff.

      Read more about the University of Amsterdam (UvA)

    • University of Peace

      The University for Peace (UPEACE) was created in 1980 as a Treaty Organization within the framework of the United Nations to support the central peace and security objectives of the UN. Its mission is to provide humanity with an international institution of higher education for peace.
      The University was established under its own Charter approved by the UN General Assembly, which authorized UPEACE to grant degrees at the MA and Doctoral levels. UPEACE has strong links with various parts of the UN system, including the UN Secretary-General's office. UPEACE has its main body in Costa Rica where it has a campus and facilities near the capital San Jose. It has centres and offices in a dozen places in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the USA and Europe and is increasingly becoming a network organization. It has numerous partnerships with other universities worldwide and with institutions for peace in many countries. The new centre in The Hague will be an important element of the network as it aims to become the representation of UPEACE in the European Union.

      UNESCO-IHE and the University for Peace establish a joint initiative on water and peace by developing a research agenda, exchange of lecturers and other activities like curriculum development, publication of articles...etc

      Read more about the University for Peace

    • VIA Water

      VIA Water is a programme that aims to identify innovative solutions for water problems facing cities in seven African countries: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda and South Sudan.

      VIA Water works with you to bring your smart water innovation to life and encourages you to join forces with other bright sparks from different backgrounds to enhance it and share it within the VIA Water community. If needed, we will also provide you with some (financial) support.

      Read more about VIA Water here

    • Vitens Evides International

      Vitens Evides International offers local water companies technical, operational and management support, both in the short term and longer term. The aim is to help water companies to become financially more healthy and to operate more efficiently with a minimum of water loss and non-revenues. In this way, they will be able to contribute to the improvement of drinking water supplies and sanitation in developing countries.

      UNESCO-IHE and Vitens Evides International cooperate in establish a dedicated associate professorship in water services management, create business opportunities through the acquisition and joint implementation of at least five large ex-ternally funded projects and conduct research and share and disseminate its findings.

      Read more about Vitens Evides International

    • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)

      VU University Amsterdam intends to prepare students for an active role in society; for academic citizenship. Students are expected to develop a thorough understanding of their subject as well as an inquisitive and self-conscious attitude. As such, they aim for their students to become creative and committed academic professionals, who take responsibility for social and scientific questions and issues.
      The VU actively encourage students to look beyond the boundaries of their own discipline, their own culture, traditions and philosophy as the VU want them to learn how to make use of their knowledge and skills in their professional environment as well as in society at large. Therefore, an academic mindset and practice are at the core of the VU's education.

      UNESCO-IHE and VU University Amsterdam have a cooperation on joint MSc and PhD research, joint research, joint promotions, exchange of faculty and zero-nominations of professors.

      Read more about VU University Amsterdam

    • Wageningen University - WUR

      Wageningen UR is a collaboration between Wageningen University and the DLO foundation. Wageningen UR focuses on the domain ‘healthy food and living conditions’. They do fundamental research all over the world and train professionals who, in the near and distant future, will discover breakthroughs in science and technology. Their mission is ‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’.

      UNESCO-IHE and Wageningen University reconfirmed the excellent cooperation between the two partners by renewing their Memo of Understanding (MOU) with regard to the joint supervision and support of PhD fellows. This new agreement has duration of four years, from 1 January 2014 through 31 December 2017.

      Read more about Wageningen University

    • WaterLex

      WaterLex is an international public interest development organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is a UN-Water Partner with UN ECOSOC special consultative status. Its mission is to develop sustainable solutions based on human rights to improve water governance worldwide, particularly in regard to consistent water law and policy frameworks. It works with an alliance of interested parties to improve water-governance frameworks, bringing them in line with country obligations under international human rights law. The interested parties are individuals and groups working in government (diplomatic missions), academia (professors of law, researchers), bilateral cooperation (water management advisors), the judiciary (high/supreme courts judges), the UN system (UN-Water family members), and civil society (NGOs that work on water issues). WaterLex works in partnership with 85 universities to continuously enrich the content of the WaterLex Legal Database. The organisation is funded by grants and project financing from public agencies, foundations, private gifts, and in-kind contributions. Established in 2010, when the human right to water was recognised by the UN, the organisation has a secretariat in Geneva with 15 staff members, a supervisory board of directors, and a large pool of members and expert advisors. It is an official member of the Global Water Partnership, UNDP Cap-Net, UNDP Global Water Solidarity, UNEP Global Wastewater, and the Swiss Water Partnership

      UNESCO-IHE and WaterLex has a Memorandum of Understanding in order to cooperate in the areas of water governance, particularly on water law with a specific emphasis on the human right to water. Joint activities include research as well as support for the Help Desk for Parliamentarians set up by WaterLex. 


      More about WaterLex and WaterLex Legal Database



    • Women for Water Partnership (WfWP)

      Women for Water Partnership (WfWP) is a worldwide strategic alliance of local, national and international women’s organisations and networks, active in the areas of sustainable development, water & sanitation, poverty and gender. WfWP consists of 24 women’s networks with subsidiaries in approximately 100 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the EECCA region and Western Europe.

      UNESCO-IHE involve WfWP in 'water and society' components of IHE pro-grams, team up in WWForums and WWDR actions, mobilise fellowships for women in IHE courses, joint fundraising, advocate human right to water.

      Read more about WfWP.

    • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

      WMO is the UN system's authoritative voice on the scale and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources. The organization promotes cooperation in the establishment of networks for making meteorological, climatological, hydrological and geophysical observations, as well as the exchange, processing and standardization of related data, and assists technology transfer, training and research. It also fosters collaboration between the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of its Members and furthers the application of meteorology, hydrology and climatology to public weather services, agriculture, aviation, shipping, the environment, water issues and the mitigation of the impacts of natural disasters. Provision of fellowship to qualified experts in the areas of atmospheric sciences is a major part of WMO's capacity development, and allied activities, in least developed and developing countries.

      UNESCO-IHE and WMO have a cooperation in provision of Fellowships for MSc Programmes for students and experts from WMO Members in meteorology, hydrology and climatology.

      Read more about WMO