The fourth session of the Intergovernmental Council for the Information for All Programme was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, from 20 to 22 March 2006, in Room XII (Fontenoy Building).
The Council is responsible for guiding the planning and implementation of the Information for All Programme.
In particular, the Council shall consider proposals on the development and adaptation of the Programme, recommend the broad lines of action that the Programme could take, review and assess achievements and define the basic areas requiring increased international cooperation, promote participation of Member States in the Programme and support all fund-raising efforts for its implementation.
The documents of the session are available here.
List of participants
Address at the Opening of the IFAP/IPDC Joint Thematic Debate (22 March 2006)
In particular, the Council shall consider proposals on the development and adaptation of the Programme, recommend the broad lines of action that the Programme could take, review and assess achievements and define the basic areas requiring increased international cooperation, promote participation of Member States in the Programme and support all fund-raising efforts for its implementation.