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Communication and Information Activities

Knowledge Mapping of IT competencies in the Mediterranean region and dialogue fostering

UNESCO's cooperation with the European Commission

Knowledge Mapping of IT competencies in the Mediterranean region and dialogue fostering or MAP-IT! aims to highlight the opportunities for research collaboration in ICT between Europe and the Mediterranean region with a specific focus on the following MED partner countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia

The project spans a period of 2 years and is scheduled for completion in December 2008. The projects outcomes will be used to identify future partnerships and programmes that the European Commission will consider in the future.

UNESCO as one of the partners, is responsible for Lebanon and Syria. The Information and Communication Sector is responsible for UNESCO's participation and its experience in the area of dialogue fostering, as well as its expertise in ICT and Education, compliments well with our other partners in the project.

Communication and Information and Knowledge Mapping of IT

