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International Bureau of Education

Content Section

Ms Juliette TORABIAN

DesignationProgramme Specialist
Phone Number+41.22.917.78.27
DepartmentDirector's office
Juliette Torabian has joined the IBE in 2015 as the Programme Specialist in the Office of the Director. She is responsible for visibility and outreach content and strategies, strategic private and public partnerships and resource mobilisation, visibility and efficiency of project operations related to the Director’s office, as well as endorsement of a consistent internal and external communication to emphasize the relevance and quality of the IBE’s activities within the framework of Education 2030. She is the IBE focal point for Asia and Pacific and acts as the coordinator for the Global Curriculum Network of the IBE.
Prior to her current post with the IBE, Ms Torabian was the country representative for ICET-UNESCO in France. She has been a lecturer at the Institut d’etudes politiques (Sciences Po, Paris) and an editor with The Paris Globalist journal. Having worked with International Organisations including UNESCO, JICA, and UNHCR since 2000, she has an extensive experience in project management, advocacy, training and research in education, sustainable development and gender/human rights. Prior to this, she has worked as an English teacher and a teaching/assessment trainer. 

Ms Torabian is finalising her Doctorate in International comparative Education with Institute of Education, University College London. She holds two Masters: one on development practice (human rights and environment) from Sciences Po Paris and the other on teaching methodologies. She has been published in peer reviewed journals and is a member of British Educational Research Association and Women groups for Sustainable Development.