DepartmentInnovation and Leadership in Curriculum and Learning
Renato Opertti has worked as Programme Specialist with the IBE since 2006. Currently Mr Opertti coordinates the Innovation and Leadership in Curriculum, Learning and Assessment Programme.
He is responsible for the IBE programmes that support UNESCO regions and Member States in the processes of curriculum renewal and development. These support programmes include: capacity-development training on curriculum and learning (diploma and master courses); advocacy on the role of curriculum in Education 2030 and the analysis of critical and current curriculum and learning issues.
Particularly, he leads the IBE-UNESCO Postgraduate Diploma in Curriculum Design and Development currently implemented in Africa and in Latin America and the Caribbean. Likewise, Mr Opertti coordinates UNESCO worldwide Community of Practice (COP) in Curriculum Development and supports the implementation of inclusive education initiatives as a follow-up of the 48th session of the International Conference on Education (ICE 2008).
Prior to joining the IBE, Mr Opertti has coordinated education and curriculum reforms in Uruguay and has worked as a consultant of the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank, UNESCO and UNICEF on issues relating to social policy, education and curriculum. He has been a university lecturer on educational policies and research methodology. Mr Opertti has a Bachelor in Sociology from the University of the Republic of Uruguay and a Master's degree in Education from CIEP (Uruguay) – IRDC (Canada). He is the author of numerous studies on issues of social policy, poverty, education and curriculum, in different languages.