DepartmentInnovation and Leadership in Curriculum and Learning
Émeline Brylinski joined the IBE in the beginning of 2015. Her work involves supporting the implementation, follow-up and assessment of the IBE capacity-development programs and technical assistance activities related to the areas of Leadership in Curriculum, Learning and Assessment and Critical and Current Issues in Curriculum, notably on inclusive education, global citizenship education, STEM education, and youth education. She further supports research activities related to the reconceptualization and repositioning of curriculum in national and regional development agendas, and within the global development dialogue on post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Education 2030.
Prior to joining the IBE, she worked at UNESCO Paris as a research consultant for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2015. She supported research and monitoring about marginalized populations and inclusive educational policies, specifically on a range of topics such as language of instruction, access to education, teachers, and quality of education. She co-authored a background paper for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2015, contributed to the finalization of the report and co-led the adaptation of the GMR 2015 into a Youth Report. Her expertise is informed by previous experiences involving teaching, mentoring and counselling middle-school students, youth in foster care and people with mental disabilities across France, Togo, Tunisia and the USA.
Ms Brylinski holds a BA in Education Sciences, a Vocational Master in Educational Technology and a Master degree from Teachers College, Columbia University, in International Educational Development with a double concentration on International policy planning and Peace and human rights education.