DepartmentInnovation and Leadership in Curriculum and Learning
Hyekyung Kang joined the IBE in 2015 and is working with the Innovation and Leadership in Curriculum and Learning team. Her work mainly consists in supporting the implementation of the project “Strengthening STEM Curricula for Girls in Africa and Asia and the Pacific -Phase I”, particularly in providing technical assistance to focal experts of the beneficiary countries and coordinating the program’s implementation. Ms. Kang also collaborates in other activities relating to the IBE focus area on inclusive education, global citizenship education, and critical and current issues in curriculum and learning.
Ms. Kang holds a Bachelor’s degree in Childhood Education and Geography and a Master’s degree from Teachers college, Columbia University in International Educational development, concentrating on both Curriculum Development and Peace and Human Rights Education. Ms. Kang’s previous experience in the USA includes teaching English as a second language, counseling and mentoring immigrant youth, and implementing local cultural programs in schools. She also has been teaching adopted children in informal settings to help them build healthy identities.