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International Bureau of Education

Content Section

Mr Massimo AMADIO

DesignationSenior Programme Specialist
Phone Number+41.22.917.78.19
DepartmentKnowledge Creation and Management in Curriculum and Learning
Massimo Amadio is the Senior Programme Specialist in charge of Knowledge Creation and Management Services. He joined the IBE in 1996. Mr Amadio has collaborated with several international organizations (including UNICEF, FAO, and World Bank) as a consultant and an education specialist. During the period of 2009 -2011 he has been a member of the International Technical Advisory Panel for the review of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), adopted in 2011 by UNESCO’s General Conference.
During the 1980s he worked in many Latin American countries, mostly in the fields of bilingual intercultural education, teacher training and basic education.
In the course of his professional career, Mr Amadio has written, edited and co-authored several reports, studies, articles, book chapters and CD-ROMs. He is the chief editor of World Data on Education, an IBE database containing over 160 profiles of national education systems (2010/12 edition).