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International Bureau of Education

Content Section


DesignationProject Archivist
Phone Number+41.22.917.78.55
DepartmentKnowledge Creation and Management in Curriculum and Learning
Alex Renault joined the IBE in may 2015. As an archivist, his role is to help managing the digitization project of the IBE historical materials and textbook collections. Working with external providers and under the supervision of Mrs Ruth Creamer, his mission is to organize these materials and its metadata according to international standards, in order to make them accessible globally in the future new IBE online catalogue.

Prior joining the IBE, Mr Renault has worked with several libraries and documentation centres in France and Switzerland. He was involved in the management of a digitization project for 6 months at the Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine (BDIC) and for 8 months at the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

He holds a Master degree in History and International Relations from the University of Rennes and a Master degree in Librarianship and Information Science (“Master EsDoc”) with a specialisation in archival science from the University of Poitiers.