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International Bureau of Education

Content Section

Ms Beatrice ADDO

DesignationJunior Fellow
Phone Number+41.22.917.78.00
DepartmentKnowledge Creation and Management in Curriculum and Learning
Beatrice Addo joined the IBE in 2015. Her current work involves contributing to the Knowledge Creation and Management team. She is involved in the identification, selection and translation of research findings in the field of curriculum and learning into accessible language which explicitly outlines implications for curriculum policy and practice. 

Prior to working for the IBE, Beatrice worked as a Higher Education Research & Policy Officer, focusing on the improvement of student services within higher education institutions in the UK. She also undertook a brief internship within the Ghana Ministry of Education assisting the research of the office of the Assistant Director General on the newly proposed free senior high school policy. 

Ms Addo holds a BA in Politics from the University of York (UK), and a MSc in Education (Comparative & International) from the University of Oxford.